Publication Title Microphytoplankton Biozonation of Late Albian - Turonian succession in FAMO-1 well, Gongola Sub Basin, Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria

Publication Type journal
Publisher M ISSN 1119- JASEM ISSN 1119-8362
Paper Link
Publication Authors AMIEWALAN, FO; *LUCAS, FA
Year Published 2018-08-08
Abstract A comprehensive palynological (Dinoflagellate Cyst) study of 35 ditch cutting samples recovered from
Late Albian to Turonian succession penetrated by Famo-1 well in the Gongola sub Basin, Upper Benue Trough, North
East, Nigeria, generated biostratigraphically important dinoflagellate cyst species. Intervals (8300 ft. – 8330 ft.) in the
lower part of the studied section were barren of dinoflagellate cysts. Interpretation of the first and last (FAD and LAD)
appearance datum of the recovered dinoflagellate cyst assemblages allowed the erection of four informal dinoflagellate
cyst assemblage biozones. The biozones in stratigraphically ascending order and their ages are as follows: Late AlbianCenomanian (Biozone I & II), Turonian (Biozone III) and undiagnostic (Biozone IV). The ages of these zones based on
stratigraphic positions and series of first occurrences of key species are from Late Albian-Turonian. An inner neritic
palaeoenvironment was delineated based on the dominance of Peridinacean cysts over Gonyaulacacean cysts.
Publication Title Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of FX-1 and FX-2 wells, Onshore Western Niger Delta, Nigeria

Publication Type journal
Publisher PRINT ISSN 1119-8362 Electronic ISSN 1119-8362
Paper Link
Publication Authors 1AMIEWALAN, FO; 2 LUCAS, FA
Year Published 2020-02-22
Abstract The area of study is a portion of the Greater Ughelli Depobelt in Niger Delta Basin. The main
aim of the paper is to interpret the sequence stratigraphy of FX-1 and FX-2 wells by employing data sets from
biostratigraphic data and well logs. Standard laboratory techniques were used for data treatment while computer
software such as Petrel and StrataBugs were used for data simulation, processing, integration and interpretation.
Sedimentology, interpreted gamma ray and resistivity well logs integrated with biostratigraphic data were utilized
to define the candidate maximum flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries. The wells have the following
distributions of sequences: FX-1 well have five depositional sequences with eight candidate maximum flooding
surfaces at depths 10011 ft., 9509 ft., 9437 ft., 6362 ft., 5752 ft., 5507 ft., 5161 ft. and 4816 ft. dated 34.0 Ma, 33.0
Ma, 31.3 Ma, 28.1 Ma, 26.2 Ma, 24.3 Ma, 23.2 Ma and 22.0 Ma and seven candidate sequence boundaries at 9616
ft., 6656 ft., 6116 ft., 5639 ft., 5424 ft., 4859 ft. and 4581 ft. dated 33.3 Ma, 29.3 Ma, 27.3 Ma, 24.9 Ma, 23.7 Ma,
22.2 Ma and 21.8 Ma, respectively. FX-2 well have four depositional sequences, five candidate MFSs were identified
at 7764 ft., 7196 ft., 6721 ft., 5862 ft. and 5571 ft. dated 34.0 Ma, 33.0 Ma, 31.3 Ma, 28.1 Ma and 24.3 Ma and five
candidate SBs at 6941 ft., 6029 ft., 5688 ft., 5653 ft. and 5542 ft. dated 32.4 Ma, 29.3 Ma, 27.3 Ma, 24.9 Ma and
23.7 Ma respectively. The correlation of the two wells and sequence stratigraphic interpretation is a supplementary
understanding of the subsurface geology of the Onshore, western Niger Delta area of Nigeria

Publication Type journal
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Year Published 2020-05-05
Abstract The sedimentology and geochemistry of the major oxides and trace elements of DF-2 well, Onshore, Niger Delta, are
presented in this study. The study is aimed at describing the sedimentological characteristics as well as using the
major oxides and trace elements to investigate the provenance, tectonic history and palaeo-depositional conditions of
the well. Selected samples were investigated with fused bead X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry to determine
their major oxides and fused bead laser ablation inductively couple plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) for their
trace elements. Sedimentological analysis from the well shows that the lithology ranged from shaly sand, sandy shale,
sandstone and shale. The results show the dominance of silicon oxide (SiO2) contents which ranges from 81.1 to 91.4
wt. % (average of 87.1 wt. %). The low average concentration of Cr<150 ppm and Ni <100 ppm, the ratios of Th/Sc,
Th/Co, Th/Cr, Cr/Th, La/Sc, as well as the plots of Th/Co versus La/Sc and TiO2 versus Zr, all infer a felsic source
rock. The discrimination plots of ratioK2O/Na2O against SiO2 and Log K2O/Na2O against Log SiO2/Al2O3indicated
passive continental margin. Various chemical classifications of the sediments show that the sandstone facies plotted
mainly in quartzarenite, sublitharenite and Fe-rich sand domains. The samples were deposited under oxic
environment based on the average values of U/Th (0.26 ppm), Ni/Co (2.79 ppm) and Cu/Zn (1.81ppm) and bivariate
plot of Ni/Co versus V/Cr. However, the bivariate plot of Ni/Co versus V/ (V+Ni) specifies oxic to anoxic conditions and
V/Vi + Ni ratios indicate oxic, suboxic to euxinicpalaeode positional environments for the sediments. Geochemical
characterization illustrates mixed marine and terrigenous source input, deposited mainly in semi humid/humid climate.
The positive values attained from ratios of Al2O3/(CaO+MgO+Na2O+K2O) infers mineralogical maturity based on
stable mobile oxides content in the studied samples.
Publication Title Foraminiferal Biozonation of Late Eocene - Early Oligocene sediments of BC-1 well, Onshore, Western Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria

Publication Type journal
Publisher PRINT ISSN 1119-8362 J Electronic ISSN 1119 OURNAL OF A-8362 PPL
Paper Link
Publication Authors 1AMIEWALAN, FO; 2EDEGBAI, JA
Year Published 2021-02-12
Abstract Foraminiferal analysis was carried out on forty (40) ditch cutting samples from BC-1 well in the
Onshore, Western Niger Delta at depth intervals of 5590 ft. - 8300 ft. Lithologic description of the samples together with
the gamma ray log analytical data indicated the presence of four lithostratigraphic units composed of shale, sandstone,
sandy shale and shaly sand corresponding to the continental Benin and paralic Agbada Formations. A total of twelve (12)
species defined into eleven (11) genera, six (6) subfamilies and eleven (11) families were recovered. Benthonic and
planktonic foraminiferal species constitute approximately 82 % and 18 % respectively. The calcareous benthics make up
44.4 % while the arenaceous benthics representing 37.7% of the total foraminiferal assemblages. Foraminiferal index
marker species - Globorotalia opima nana, Nonion oyae, Cassigerinella chipollensis and Spiroplectammina wrightii
revealed that the age of the studied well is from Late Eocene - Early Oligocene epoch. This indicated that both the
planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal recovered from the well contained the transition between the Priabonian and the
Rupelian age. Three (3) informal foraminiferal zone were established - Nonion oyae zone, Cassigerinella chipollensis
zone and undiagnostic zone. The zones compares with foraminiferal markers species whose stratigraphic ranges are well
established in the Niger Delta and globally.
Publication Title New Oligocene to Early Miocene Palynomorph Zonation of GZ-1 Well, Onshore Western Niger Delta, Nigeria

Publication Type journal
Publisher PRINT ISSN 1119-8362 J Electronic ISSN 1119 OURNAL OF A-P 8362 PLI
Paper Link
Publication Authors *AMIEWALAN, FO; BALOGUN, FO
Year Published 2021-04-04
Abstract Palynological studies was carried out on GZ-1 well from the onshore western Niger Delta in order to
recognized a new detected developments in the varieties of key pollen and spore taxa that have shorter and more
distinguished interval zones to advance stratigraphical delineation. Palynological analysis was carried out using the
conventional maceration technique for recovering acid insoluble organic-walled microfossils from sediments. The result
yielded rich and diversified palynomorphs. The main assemblage were dominated by angiosperm pollen grain (dominant
global flora from Late Cretaceous onwards) followed by pteridophytes/bryophyte spore. Dinoflagellate cysts, on the
contrast, were less diverse while the Gymnosperm pollen were scarce. The identified palynomorph were used to establish
seven main zones - AF1 Psilatricolporites crassus zone, AF2 Verrucatosporites usmensis zone, AF3 Triplochiton
scleroxylon zone, AF4 Crassoretitriletes vanraadshooveni zone, AF5 Acrostichum aureum zone, AF6 Gemmatriporites
ogwashiensis zone and AF7 Retitricolporites irregularis zone in this study. Established on quantitative events, the zones
were also divided into seven subzones with some having finer subdivisions into (a) and (b) ranging in age from Early
Oligocene to Early Miocene. Previous unfiled event trends of important indicator taxa of spores and pollen accredited to
Pelliceria, Caesalapinoideae, Stenochlaena palustris, Polypodiaceae, Lygodium microphyllum, Polypodiaceae,
Adiantaceae and Amanoa (Euphorbiaceae) have assisted improvement of formerly used palynological zonation schemes
in the Niger Delta. It is anticipated that this quantitative zonation scheme erected, will help with imminent
palynostratigraphical studies in the onshore Niger delta area.