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    Publication Title The morphological and biochemical characteristics of bacterial isolates of selected borehole water Samples in Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publication Authors Oghonim, Pius Akaraka Nkem
    Year Published 2023-02-02
    Abstract Potable water is one that is free from pathogens, low in compounds that are acutely toxic and havegreat long-term effects on human health.The morphological and biochemical characteristics of bacterial isolates of selected borehole water samples in Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria. Sixty water samples from fifteen boreholes were sampled in June and July, 2022 (rainy season); and January and February, 2023 (dry season). Antibiotic susceptibility test was done by adopting the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion technique. All the isolated bacteria from the various borehole water samples showed varying levels of susceptibility to the five tested antibacterial agents (Levofloxacin (10ug), Ofloxacin (30ug), Ciprofloxacin (10ug), and Perfloxacin (10ug). Interestingly, ciprofloxacin recorded the highest zones of inhibition, while ofloxacin had the least zones of inhibition. From the data analysis, it was shown that there were significant differences in some of the parameters at 0.05 alpha level. This implied that seasonal variation had significant influence on the quality of water samples assessed. Therefore, there is need to create awareness about the quality of water from the boreholes and the necessity for treatment by the consumers, before it can be used for both drinking and domestic purposes, so as to prevent epidemics.
    Publication Title BREAST CANCER – REVIEW Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Global Biosciences Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Open-Access Journal ISSN 2320-1355 Volume 11, Number 3, 2022, pp. 9248-9257
    Publication Authors Effiong, Edet Bassey, Nweke, Bede Chinemelum, Okereke, Amos Huygens and Pius, Akaraka Nkem Oghonim
    Year Published 2022-03-03
    Abstract Breast cancer is the type of cancer that affects the breast. it is the most common invasive cancer in women. The incidence of breast cancer varies greatly around the world. It is lowest in less-developed countries and greatest in the more-developed countries. Types of breast cancers, Ductal carcinoma begin in the milk duct and are the most common type, lobular carcinoma starts in the lobules, invasive breast cancer start when cancer cells break out from inside the lobules or duct and invade nearby tissue increasing to other parts of the body, while non-invasive is when the cancer is still inside its place of origin and has not broken out the first symptoms of the breast cancer are usually an area of thickened tissue in the breast or a lump in the breast or in an armpit. The risk factors are; age, genetics, devise breast tissue e.g. Estrogen exposure and breast feeding, body weight, alcohol consumption, hormone treatment and radiation exposures. Diagnosis often occurs as a result of routine screening. Breast examination, imaging tests, biopsy, radiation therapy, sentinel node, mastectomy and lumpectomy. Treatment depends in the types of breast cancer, stage of the cancer and sensitive of hormones: e.g. Hormone blocking chemotherapy and surgery. Prevention based on avoiding excess alcohol, getting enough exercise, keeping healthy mass index and taking fresh fruits and vegetables. Good lifestyle is recommended e.g. diet, exercise and weight loss recommend. Key words: Breast, Cancer, Risk factors, Diagnosis, Treatment.
    Publication Title Evaluation of the average physical parameters of selected borehole water Samples in Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Digital Organization for Scientific Research ISSN: 2550-794X IDOSR JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 8(3) 125-138, 2023. https://doi.org/10.59298/IDOSR JSR /2023/00.11.6000
    Publication Authors Orji Michael Uche and Oghonim, Pius Akaraka Nkem
    Year Published 2023-03-03
    Abstract Potable water is one that is free from contamination, low in compounds that are acutely toxic and have great long-term effects on human health. Physical parameters of some borehole water samples in Agbor, Delta State were carried out to determine its potability for drinking and domestic purposes. Sixty water samples from fifteen boreholes were sampled in Juneand July, 2022 (rainy season); and January and February, 2023 (dry season). The physical parameters were analyzed according to standard methods. The examination of the physical parameters of selected borehole water samples in Agbor,Delta State, Nigeria showed that all the values obtained were within the WHO 2006, maximum permissible limit of 5 NTU for drinking water. However, the turbidity values were generally lower during the dry season. The increased values during the rainy season could be attributed to surface runoff and erosion carrying soil and partially dissolved/un-dissolved organic matters. The low recharge in the dry season may have resulted in lower turbidity of the borehole water.
    Publication Title Evaluation of the average values of the chemical parameters of selected borehole water Samples in Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Digital Organization for Scientific Research ISSN: 2550-7931 IDOSR JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES 8(3) 118-139, 2023. https://doi.org/10.59298/IDOSR/2023/10.2.1419
    Publication Authors 1Oghonim Pius Akaraka Nkem, 2Ugwu Okechukwu Paul-Chima and 1Godwin Victor Chukwusom
    Year Published 2023-09-09
    Abstract Chemical parameters of some borehole water samples in Agbor, Delta State were carried out to determine its potability fordrinking and domestic purposes. Sixty water samples from fifteen boreholes were sampled in June and July, 2022 (rainy season); and January and February, 2023 (dry season). The chemical parameters were analyzed according to standard methods. On the average, the chemical parameters analyzed, were within the World Health Organization, 2006 standard except magnesium, hardness, potassium, cadmium,and lead values which exceeded the permissible limits
    Publication Title Evaluation of the bacteriological characteristics of selected borehole water Samples in Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publication Authors Oghonim, Pius Akaraka Nkem
    Year Published 2023-03-03
    Abstract Drinkable water is one that is free from pathogens, low in compounds that are acutely toxic and havegreat long-term effects on human health. Bacteriological load ofsome borehole water samples in Agbor, Delta State were carried out to determine its potability fordrinking and domestic purposes. Sixty water samples from fifteen boreholes were sampled in June and July, 2022 (rainy season); and January and February, 2023 (dry season). The total bacterial count and coliformswere determined by tenfold serial dilution and membrane filtration techniques respectively. Seven bacterial species namely Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella aerogenes, Proteus mirabilis strain LYRY45, Proteus mirabilis strain AMJ230, and Salmonella enterica were isolated. The presence of coliforms above WHO acceptable limits indicated that the borehole watersamples are not fit for human consumption. The water samples were more contaminated in rainy season than in the dry season with the isolation of more organisms during the rainy season. The bacterium that had the highest frequency of occurrence in rainy season was Klebsiella aerogenes (19.60%), while Proteus mirabilis strain AMJ 230 had the least frequency of occurrence (10.66%).Salmonella enterica had the highest frequency of occurrence (27.32%) in dry season, while Pseudomonas fluorescens had the least frequency of occurrence (6.48%).