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    Publication Title Bacterial Associated with Swimming Pool Water In Benin City, Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher African Journal of Health, Safety and Environment, 4 (1): 1-9, 2023
    Publication Authors Okoruwa, A. I. Isibor, C. N. and Ukpene, A. O.(2023)
    Year Published 3-03
    Publication Title Seasonal Variation in the Nodulation and Yield Parameters of Cowpea, (Vigna Unguiculata l. walp) Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Basic Science and Technology
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O. and Chijindu, P.C.
    Year Published 4-14
    Publication Title Environmental Audit of Camelite Paint Manufacturing Company Located at Agbor, Delta State. Nigeria Case Study: Analysis of Effluent/Borehole water Discharge Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM).Vol 3 Issue 5 pp 965-971.
    Publication Authors Morka, J.C, C. O Molua, Nwachuku, D. A Ogwu, D.A & A.O Ukpene (2021)
    Year Published 0-03
    Publication Title Professional Development and Retention of Personnel for Effective Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Education Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Technical Teacher Education. 2(1). 144-148
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A. O.
    Year Published 2-04
    Publication Title Sustaining Protein needs in Family Diets under a Depressed Economy Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Bichi Journal of Education.1 (2). 141-144
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A..O
    Year Published 0-15
    Publication Title The Teaching of Environmental Pollution in Nigerian Primary Schools: A Practical Approach Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Gusau Journal of Education. 2(1): 190 -195
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O
    Year Published 5-12
    Publication Title Sustaining Food Production in Nigeria using Environmentally Friendly Pest and Disease Control Measures Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Bichi Journal of Education. 2 (1). 91 – 96.
    Publication Authors Upkene, A. O
    Year Published 2-14
    Publication Title A Strategy for Environmental Education in Senior Secondary Schools: A Focus on Soil Erosion Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher African Journal of Material and Natural Science. 1 (2). 92 -96
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O. (2001)
    Year Published 2-17
    Publication Title Perceptions about 75 Percent Attendance as a Paradigm for Effective Science Education in Nigerian Colleges of Education Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Technical Teacher Education. 3 (1). 216 – 223.
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O
    Year Published 6-07
    Publication Title Refocussing Science and Technology Education For Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria: Implications for Colleges of Education Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Women in Colleges of Education. 6. 247- 253
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O. (2002).
    Year Published 6-13
    Publication Title Evolving a Sustainable Environmental Education Programme in Nigeria. Some Issues for Consideration Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher African Journal of Material and Natural Science. 2(1): 84 -90
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O. (2002)
    Year Published 0-10
    Publication Title Associating Biological Concepts with Socio-Cultural Practices. A Strategy for Effective Biology Teaching in Secondary Schools Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Kaura Namoda Journal of General Education. 3 (1). 273 – 277
    Publication Authors Ukpene. A.O. (2002)
    Year Published 2-13
    Publication Title Employment Opportunities Through the Acquisition of the NCE Certificate in Biology Education. Prospects and Problems. Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher The Educator. 2 (2). 549 -557
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A. O.
    Year Published 1-10
    Publication Title Enhancing Female Acquisition of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education in Kano State Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Gobarau Bi- annual Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Education. 4 (1). 132- 136
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 6-15
    Publication Title Competences for Self-Sustainability among holders of Biology Degrees from Nigerian Universities. A Case Study of Kano State Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher The Nigerian Academic Forum. A Multi-Disciplinary Journal. 5 (2). 120 – 125
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 0-23
    Abstract The Nigerian Academic Forum. A Multi-Disciplinary Journal. 5 (2). 120 – 125.
    Publication Title Strategic Environmental Education for NigerianSecondary Schools. Problems and Prospects. Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Research and Theory in Education. 4 (1). 6 – 11
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 4-04
    Publication Title Quantification of Heavy Metals and Metalloid in Cassava Roots (manihotesculentacrantz; Family: Euphorbiaceae) grown in Oil Bearing Communities of the Niger Delta Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Innovations
    Publication Authors Ogwu, C., Ukpene, A.O., Ekpe, I.N., Umukoro, B and Onuelu, J.E.
    Year Published 2003-05-20
    Abstract This study is an ex-port facto research that investigated the heavy metals concentrations in cassava roots harvested in the Niger Delta oil bearing communities. The study answered 4 research questions and tested a hypothesis. To accomplish these, 5 states out of 9 Niger Delta states were randomly selected and anoil producing community also randomly selected from each state. Cassava roots samples were randomly collected from 5 farms in 5 villages/quarters of the oil producing communities. The analytical standard adopted for this study is EPA 201650 and the instrument of determination deployed is Analytic Jena’s NOVAA 800AAS. The grand mean results of the metals investigated were: Cd; 0.06±0.00, Cr, 0.06±0.01 mg/kg, As, 0.06±0.01 mg/kg, and Co, 0.07 ±0.01 mg/kg, and Pb 0.06±0.01 mg/kg. The grand mean result of the metals determined were subjected to test of significance deploying ANOVA using SPSS model 29 at 0.05 level of significance. The p-valuewas 0.48 thus rejecting H0. The study concludes that the heavy metals in the cassava tubers are higher than the critical threshold recommended by WHO thus the cassava roots and products are not healthy for human consumption. They are also not fit for export. It recommends that the impacted areas should be remediated and the monitoring agencies advised to increase their surveillance for the oil extracting companies to comply and adopt world best practices in their activities.
    Publication Title Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the tissues of some fish species in selected wetlands in Lagos Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Innovations
    Publication Authors Ogwu, C., Ukpene,A.O., Ekpe, I.N. and Aregbor, O.
    Year Published 2023-04-15
    Abstract The study investigated the heavy metals content in fish species in selected wetlands in Lagos, Lagos state Nigeria for its suitability for human consumption and for export. It was an ex-post facto research that answered 4 research questions and tested a hypothesis. To achieve these, 5 wetlands were randomly selected from the 13 wetlands in Lagos. The fish species used for the study are Tilapia zilli and Clariasspp and the sampling period was between September 2022 to February 2023. The wetlands were mapped into 5 sampling zones and 3 fishes samples were collected from each zone with the assistance of artisanal fishermen. The fishes from zones were bulked and 3 samples randomly collected from each wetland. The analytical standard adopted was USEPA 601020 and the instrument used for the determination of individual metals was Agilent AAS model 240 FSAA. The grand mean results obtained were Pb; 0.14±0.03mg/kg, Cr; 0.13±0.03mg/kg, Cd, 0.13±0.02mg/kg, V; 0.15±0.02mg/kg and Hg; 0.11±0.01mg/kg. The grand mean results were subjected to test of significance with ANOVA deploying SPSS model 29 at 0.05 level of significance. The p-value was 0.34 thus rejecting H0. The study concludes that the wetlands investigated are polluted with heavy metals above maximum permissible concentrations and recommends that fishes in the wetlands should not be consumed and should not be exported. The impacted wetlands should be remediated and the monitoring agency NESREA should step up it game in surveillance
    Publication Title Assessment of the Lifestyles and Feeding Patterns of Selected Families in Agbor Metropolis, Delta State, Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS),
    Publication Authors Ukpene, P.C., Ukpene, A.O., Uko-Aviomoh, E.E. and Ehioghire, U.F.
    Year Published 2022-12-04
    Abstract The study was a nutritional assessment of the contemporary life of the people of Agbor in Delta State, with a view to determining how their attitude to food was predicated on their lifestyles. The study population consisted of 300 working class individuals in Agbor metropolis from which 100 were randomly selected. In order to effectively collect information from the respondents, a 26-item questionnaire was designed to determine the influence of people’s health and cultures on their feeding patterns. The research instrument was validated and pilot-tested twice on the respondents and a reliability co-efficient of 0.85 was established. The Chi-square statistic was used to analyse the data generated at the 0.05 level of significance, and it showed that socio-economic status was significant as a determinant of feeding pattern. Furthermore, unhealthy lifestyles from bad feeding patterns disposed some individuals to nutritional related diseases such as obesity (3.56 + 1.153), diabetes (3.41+1.263), hypertension (3.12+1.395) and ulcer (3.64+1.312). The study recommended dispositions towards healthy lifestyle for the people, drastic reduction of foods that are calorie dense, skipping breakfast, drinking sugary beverages respectively, and emphasised adequate intake of nutrient dense foods such as fruits and vegetables and foods rich in essential fatty acids to maintain the body’s health status.
    Publication Title Heavy metals content of some benthopelagic and demersal fish species in selected wetlands in Lagos Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Innovations
    Publication Authors Ogwu, C., Ukpene, A.O., Aregbor, O. and Oriomah, C.
    Year Published 2023-04-15
    Abstract This study investigated the concentrations of heavy metals in some fish species in wetlands in Lagos for their suitability for local human consumption and for export. It was an ex-post facto research that answered 4 research questions and tested a hypothesis. To achieve these 5 wetlands were randomly selected in Lagos City, and 3 species of fish were sampled from 5 sample sites in each wetland which were bulked and composite drawn and stored in ice-cooled flask kept at -20°C for analysis. The analytical standard adopted was EPA 6020B and instrument of determination deployed is Agilent AAS model 240FSAA. The grand mean results obtained were; Cd; 0.08±0.03mg/kg, Cr; 0.08±0.02mg/kg, Hg; 0.04 mg/kg, As; 0.06±0.01 mg/kg and V; 0.06±0.00 mg/kg. The grand mean results were subjected to test of significance with ANOVA deploying SPSS model 29 at 0.05 level of significance. The p-value was 0.41 thus rejecting Ho. The study concludes that the wetlands are polluted with heavy metals and recommends that: the fishes from the wetlands are not fit for local consumption and are not suitable for export. The wetlands should be remediated and the monitoring agency enjoined to increase their surveillance on the industries operating in Lagos city.
    Publication Title SEASONAL RESPONSES OF FLOWERING AND POD SETTING IN COWPEA (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS)
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A. O. and Isibor, C. N.
    Year Published 2022-06-20
    Abstract Seven varieties of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata L. Walp were studied in two field trials (the wet and dry seasons) in the 2021 cropping season in Agbor, South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria, were laid out in a complete randomized block design (CRBD) with seven replications for seasonal responses of flowering and pod setting. The dry season crops were manually watered twice daily while the wet season crops were rain-fed. The study recorded that most of the cowpea genotypes grown in the wet season showed photoperiod sensitivity, flowering between 46.36 and 56.43 DAP with mean of 54.97 + 6.98. Pod setting was similar across genotypes but the number (9.64 + 8.29), while length of pods varied (14.66 + 2.83) as noted from field observations. Furthermore, Seeds per pod was not significant among varieties of the wet season but they were significant and among those of the dry season (9.37 + 5.17). Genotypes which flowered earlier produced higher number of pods per plant and gave better yield such as IT06K-149-1, IT98K-128-3, IT95K1072-57 and IT98K-506-1 with grain filling of 205.58, 186.3, 183.53 and 775.99 mean seeds respectively were consequently recommended for hybridization in cowpea breeding programmes in south-south Nigeria.
    Publication Title Investigating Background Ionizing Radiation in some selected locations in Agbor Metropolis. Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Energy Engineering and Thermodynamics
    Publication Authors Collins, O.M., Eseka, K. and Ukpene, A.O
    Year Published 2022-06-04
    Abstract The level of background indoor and outdoor ionizing radiation doses were measured in 15 different locations in Agbor, Delta State of Nigeria, with the aid of an inspector alert nuclear radiation meter. The recorded indoor ionizing radiation ranged from 0.114 ?Sv/hr to 0.271 ?Sv/hr with a mean value of 0.189 ± 0.04 ?Sv/hr. DDPA peaked at 0.271± 0.08 ?Sv/hr. Outdoor radiation levels on the other hand ranged from 0.110 ?Sv/hr to 0.256 ?Sv/hr with a mean value of 1.80 ± 0.05 ?Sv/hr. Model laboratory recorded the highest outdoor radiation dose value of 0.256 ± 0.03 ?Sv/hr. These values were all below the allowable limit set by UNSCEAR. Furthermore, the ambient BIR levels obtained in all the locations studied were equally below the ambient BIR allowable limit of 0.13 mR/h. The calculated annual effective dose rates value E0 (indoor) for the locations studied were variable, while the annual effective dose rate E1 (outdoor) obtained for all the locations studied were less than the standard limit of 1.00 mSv/yr, making the latter locations to be radiological safe for human habitation without constituting notable health hazards.
    Publication Title Review on the Use of Dyestuff for Enhancement of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Efficiency Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage.
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O., Morka, J.C. and Molua, O.C.
    Year Published 2022-08-02
    Abstract Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have high energy conversion efficiency and environmental friendliness. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to review the use of dyestuff for the enhancement of dye sensitive solar cell efficiency. For this reason, this paper gives a background of dye stuff, types and limitations and investigates the important criteria which are considered for selecting dye to enhance DSSC efficiency.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher COOU Journal of Physical Sciences 5 (1), 2022
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2022-05-14
    Abstract Seven varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), Ife Brown, IT98K-128-3, IT98K-506-1, IT93K- 452-1 and IT95K-1072-57, IT06K-149-1, and IT06K-136 were obtained from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan (IITA) and evaluated at the Biological Garden of the University of Delta, Agbor, for the levels of saponins present. The results obtained revealed the following contents:- Ife Brown (0.11 mg/100-1), IT98K-128-3 (0.13 mg/100-1), IT98K-506- 1 (0.20 mg/100-1), IT93K-452-1 (0.18 mg/100-1) and IT95K-1072-57 (0.15 mg/100-1), IT06K- 149-1 (0.23 mg/100-1), and IT06K-136 (0.22 mg/100-1) respectively. Consequently, Ife Brown, IT98K-128-3 and IT95K-1072-57 were recommended for cultivation in commercial quantities by farmers in Delta State due to their lower contents of saponins.COOU Journal of Physical Sciences 5 (1), 2022
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS)
    Publication Authors Eseka, K., Mokobia, C.E., Molua, O.C and Ukpene, A.O
    Year Published 2022-04-02
    Abstract This study presents the characterization of the soil in Ika South Local Government Area of Delta State. It presents radiometric (40K, 238U and 232Th) survey of soil samples collected from some selected towns in Ika South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria using gamma-ray [NaI(TI)] spectroscopy.Twenty five representative soil samples from five communities (five soil samples each per community) were collected for the study. The average activity concentration of 40K, 238U and 232Th in soil samples from the selected communities was 510.87 ± 3.068 Bqkg-1, 31.092±2.638 Bqkg-1 and 64.662 ± 2.842 Bqkg-1 respectively. By comparing the obtained average result of soil samples of 40K, 238U and 232Th with UNSCEAR standard, it was observed that the obtained average results of 40K and 232Th exceeded the standard value limit of 400 Bqkg-1 and 30 Bqkg-1 respectively while 238U was less than the standard value limit of 35 Bq/kg-1. The calculated radiological hazard values were lower than the world allowable average standard, except for the annual gonadal dose equivalent and the excess lifetime cancer risk which were above than the world recommended average standard value of 300 mSv/yr and 0.29 x10-3Sv/yr standard in some communities. However, contact with the soils in these communities will not pose much health hazard problem to man and the environment.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 6 No. 2, April, 2022, pp 116 - 119
    Publication Authors Eseka, K., Molua, O.C., Ukpene, A.O and Egheneji, A.A.
    Year Published 2022-01-02
    Abstract Over exposure to x-rays is capable of producing serious health hazards and capable of causing death due to its ionizing nature. In the determination of effective primary and secondary shielding parameters of some hospitals in Agbor, a radiation detector, Geiger Muller Counter 320 plus was used for the measurement of radiation in the selected x-ray centers chosen in other to ascertain the degree of exposure of x-ray machines at exactly 1m from the primary source. The work was carried out for a period of 12 weeks in each of the selected hospitals simultaneously. A total of 145 patients were examined in central hospital Agbor, 110 in central hospital Abavo and 125 in Nkonye hospital Agbor. The patient’s examination records containing types of examination each day, peak tube voltage, tube current and exposure time including the actual number of films used were obtained. Results obtained from the three hospitals investigated were found to be inconformity with the recommendations of National Commission on Radiological and Protection (NCRP) (70) and (116) protocols. Protective shielding parameters’ results obtained in this study were lower than the standard recommended maximum values. The study showed that the walls of the x-ray rooms of these hospitals investigated have adequate shielding parameters and as such may not require any additional primary structural shielding barriers. It is therefore concluded that the X-ray shielding facilities for diagnostic x-ray rooms in the selected hospitals in Agbor metropolis were adequate and safe radiologically for patients and staff respectively.
    Publication Title Determination of Annual Gonnaodal dose Equivalent arising from natural radioactivity in soil of Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Basic Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No 1 (2018) p.12 -16
    Publication Authors Eseka, K., Molua, O.C. and Ukpene, A.O
    Year Published 2018-04-12
    Abstract The radiometric survey of soil samples collected from some communities in Ika North-East local Government area of Delta State, Nigeria were investigated using gamma-ray [NaI(TI)] Spectroscopy. The average activity concentration of 40K, 238U and 232Th in soil samples from the selected communities were 512.43 ± 1.91 Bqkg-1, 37.49±2.44 Bqkg-1 and 29.46 ± 2.42 Bqkg-1 respectively. By comparing with recommendation standard, it was observed that the obtained average results of 40K and 238U exceeded the standard value limit of 400 Bqkg-1 and 30 Bqkg-1respectively. The calculated radiological hazard values were lower than the world average standard except for the annual gonnodal dose equivalent that exceeded the world average value by 33.3%. Therefore in conclusion, exposure to the soils in these communities will pose little or no health problem to the inhabitants in these communities.
    Publication Type journal
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2016-07-15
    Abstract Seven varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), lIfe Brown, IT98K-128-3 , IT98K-506-1, IT93K-452-1 and IT95K-1072-57, ITO6K-149-1, and ITO6K-136 obtained from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, lbadan and cultivated at the Biological Garden, College of Education, Agbor, were evaluated for levels of anti nutrient factors. Tannins were determined folowing the vanillin-HCI method while phenols and polyphenols were determined using the method of Folin-Denis. Similarities in anti nutrient factors among the cowpea varieties were described using cluster analysis. The results obtained were shown as follows: Ife Brown (Tn=0.67g; Ph=0.05g; Po=12mg), IT98K-128-3 (Tn= 0.47g; Ph=0.04g;Po= 16mg), IT98K-506-1(Tn=.54g; Ph=0.04g; Po=11mg), IT93K-452-1 (Tn=0.73g; Ph=0.03g; Po=18mg), IT95K-1072-57(Tn=0.31g: Ph=0.06g; Po=20mg), ITO6K-149-1 (Tn=0.29g; Ph=0.05g; Po=24mg) and IT06K-136 (Tn=0.33g; Ph=0.06g; Po=15mg). It was observed that the values of tannins were generally low, being less than one gram in all the cowpea varieties studied. The cowpea variety IT93K- 452-1 had the highest value of tannin which was 0.73 g/100g". Phenols (0.03-0.06 g/100g') and polyphenols (11-24mg/100g) were comparatively low in all the samples. The study recommends that ITO6K-136 which recorded low values of anti nutrient factors as well as Ife Brown, IT93K-452-1 and IT98K-128-3 which recorded low tannins and moderate levels of phenols and polyphenols should be grown by farmers in Agbor in Ika land.
    Publication Title Amino Acid profiles of Seven Cowpea Varieties Grown in Agbor Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O. and Imade, F.N
    Year Published 2016-02-18
    Abstract Seven varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), Ife Brown, IT98K-128-3, IT98K-506-1, IT93K-452-1 and IT95K-1072-57, IT06K-149-1, and IT06K-136 were obtained from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan (IITA) and evaluated at the Biological Garden of the College of Education, Agbor, for profiles of their amino acids. The results obtained revealed higher contents oftryptophan inIT98K-506-1 (6.22 mg/100-1),IT93K-452-1 (5.01 mg/100-1) andIfe Brown (4.73 mg/100-1), and formethionine:, IT98K-128- (2.61mg/100-1),IT95K-1072-57 (2.51 mg/100-1),IT06K-149 (2.54 mg/100-1) being the amino acids highly obtained from cowpea, and they were consequently recommended for cultivation by farmers in Agbor, Delta State.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Agbor Journal of Science and Science Education
    Paper Link www.ajosse.com.ng
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2015-08-14
    Abstract The state of hospitals and other health care facilities fuels the desire of rural communities to seek medical treatment from unconventional sources. The paper surveys the attitude of the people of Umutu in the use of health care facilities available in the town. It also evaluated the prevalence of self-medication among the inhabitants through the use of a 17-item close-ended questionnaire structured on a 2 rating scale of ÿes"or "no". The study recorded that most people in the community shun hospital treatment due to high charges and time consumption during treatment. Consequently, a high proportion of the respondents indulge in self-medication as it was cheaper, quicker and more convenient.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Nigeria Journal of Teacher Education and Teaching
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2005-02-23
    Abstract The performance of most biology students in practical biology lessons often expose certain deficiencies in terms of their achieving some specific instructional objectives. Having observed that while some of the learners are usually agitated and excited, others are emotionally disturbed during practical lessons. This paper examines some of the possible causes of stress among biology students of the Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi during such lessons. The investigation notes that large students' population in the laboratory, inadequacy of practical materials, collection of certain specimens from the field, as well as experimenting with specimens preserved in formaldehyde are some of the factors that cause stress among the students during practical lessons. Some suggestions are made to reduce instances that might predispose learners to stress in the subject.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Nigerian Journal of Teacher Education and Teaching
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2005-06-14
    Abstract This study is an assessment of the competences of teacher- trainers in biology from three Colleges of Education in Kano State, on some selected teaching methods. The methods include lecture/expository, lecture/demonstration, instructional analogy, concept mapping, discovery/inquiry, guided discovery, field trip, project method, problem-solving, laboratory/experimentation and assignment, some of which have been recommended by experts as veritable strategies for effective teaching and learning of biology. It was observed that the respondents expressed greater competences for the lecture/demonstration and the laboratory/experimentation methods respectively. The paper recommends that the teacher-trainers should avail themselves of opportunities provided by conferences and workshops as well as journal publications and periodicals in order to enhance their level of competences in the 'difficult' methods of teaching.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Knowledge Review( National Association for the Advancement of Knowledge, University of Benin, Benin-City)11(2):108-111
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2005-09-28
    Abstract A careful study of the vision and mission statements of biology education in Nigerian Colleges of Education reveals a concise, well taught-out objective that would make recipients of instructions to be meaningful players in the overall scheme of national development. The paper notes that despite the laudable provisions of the National Policy on Education and the Minimum Standards for the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE), holders of the NCE in biology still find themselves incapacitated in the use of modern technology to preserve the cherished values of the nation due to inherent pot-holes in the quality of instruction, provision of facilities; equipment and consumables for learning in most institutions. It is recommended that removal of such pot-holes accompanied with a review of the mission statements be made so that learners could adequately fit into the social structures of the 21st century.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Multi Disciplinary Journal of Research Development (Benue State University) 3(2):87-92
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2004-05-23
    Abstract he paper was intended to appraise the relative preparedness of recipients of instructions in NCE Biology courses for the enviable role of national environmental protection in the country. Using a questionnaire designed on a Likert scale of four response variables to generate information from some Biology students from three Colleges of Education in Kano State, the study noted that the course programme provided by the syllabus as well as the practical drills does not give learners the needed competences for national environmental protection endeavours. It was however observed that the tcacher-trainces could develop the necessary skills for environmental matters if concrete environmental concepts are entrenched in their course programme and taught as a strategic curriculum course.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Knowledge Review ( National Association for the Advancement of Knowledge, University of Benin, Benin-City)9(5):108-111
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2004-03-15
    Abstract The paper takes a look at the state of preparedness of some teachers for the task available in the UBE programme and notes that certain curriculum units such as properties of air, exploring the environment using the senses are among others which some serving teachers perceived as difficult to teach. Equally lacking among pre-service teachers was the competence for labeling biological drawings correctly. It is recommended that for the pre-service biology teachers to conveniently fit into the pattern of UBE instruction in the science.subjects, they should acquire the competences of associating biological concepts with pupil's socio-cultural practices, paying special attention to premeditated difficult concepts and practical components of their courses.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher The Nigerian Academic Forum, NAA, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2003-05-29
    Abstract This study was neccssitated by the relative number of graduates that roam the streets in search of paid employment. The investigation which focused on graduates from biological disciplines noted that besides the capacity for white collar jobs, the average Nigerian biologist lacks effective training for self-sustainability. The paper suggests that elements of vocations should be introduced into their curriculum so that Nigerian University graduates in biology could be self-employed and adequately remunerated.
    Publication Type conferenceproceeding
    Publisher Science Teachers Association of Nigeria
    Publication Authors Konyeme, J.E. and Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2009-08-25
    Abstract Fish resources contribute substantially to the socio-economic development of a nation through the provision of labour to a large population and food rich in annual protein. Fishing generates income and savings on foreign exchange. The high cost of conventionally pelleted fish feed has severally constrained the development of low-cost agua-culture system. The development of fish feed production for sustainable entrepreneur development in the face of the world's global economic crisis and food shortage is a step in the right direction.
    Publication Type conferenceproceeding
    Publisher Science Teachers Association of Nigeria
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2004-08-08
    Abstract he study was intended to investigate the relative capacities of biology teachers in Colleges of Education to carry out research activities as demanded by their profession, as well as their extent of utilization of research findings of others in improving their delivery of instruction. Using a 20-itenm questionnaire to generate information from biology lecturers in three Colleges of Education in Kano State, The study notes that the lecturers exhibit a relatively high passion for doing research, but seldom consult journals for purposes of using the research findings of others to introduce innovations into their methods of teaching.
    Publication Type conferenceproceeding
    Publisher Science Teachers Association of Nigeria
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2001-08-14
    Abstract The research focused on generating information on the level of women 's participation as practitioners of Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (STME) in Colleg?s of Education in Kano State. A survey of three Colleges of Education in the state revealed that STME is witnessing very low women participation as both teacher trainers and trainees. Impediments to STME such as early marriages, local customs, religion and attitudes are recommended for further investigations.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Agbor Journal of Science Education
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2008-06-23
    Abstract Genetic research has witnessed astronomic revolution since 1866 when the field of study came to focus. Generating from mere morphological studies in a botanical garden in Brunn, Austria, genetics has made giant strides in the field of gene manipulation and recombinant DNA technology, giving rise to genetically modified organisms and genetically modified foods to ensure steady availability of food and animal products for the sustenance of the teeming world human population. The Nigerian state stands to benefit immensely from the numerous discoveries of genetics if notable structures are put in place both at the school front and in industrial circles.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Asaba Journal of Education Studies
    Publication Authors Opute-Imala,F.N. and Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2007-08-15
    Abstract Biology methodology courses are designed as instructional fields to prepare teacher-trainees and equip them with the needed pedagogy for teaching. this study correlated teacher trainee grades in biology methodology courses and teaching practice. It was reported that students performances at teaching practice was significantly independent of skills acquired in biology methodology courses.
    Publication Type conferenceproceeding
    Publisher Lucia Blagga University, Sibiu, Romania
    Paper Link www.isatt2019.org.
    Publication Authors Anthony Ukpene Ossai
    Year Published 2007-07-01
    Abstract This paper deployed the use of scaffold instructional strategy into learning some abstract concepts in genetics in a student-centered classroom. Some types of scaffolds were constructed to guide students in the learning of the DNA structure, concepts of homozygous and heterozygous genotypes. A sample of 80 Bachelor Degree students of Delta State University, Abraka, was divided into groups I, II and III respectively and lectured theoretically on some basic genetic concepts and were tested a week later. The lecture was repeated for two groups using the scaffolding methods. All three groups were later tested on the concepts. There was no significant different among students in group I whereas significant differences were noted in groups II and III at the 0.05 level of significance. The paper recommended the application of scaffolding techniques to other aspects of genetics to remove phobia from learners of the subject.
    Publication Title Vertical Electric Drilling for Evaluating aquifer Levels in Ukwani and Ensuring Quality Drinking Water Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES)
    Publication Authors OC Moula, AO Ukpene, DA Odwu, K. Eseka, M Edobor, JO Vwavware, E Imoni-Ogbe & JO Ataman
    Year Published 2023-07-13
    Abstract This study aims to investigate the aquifer levels in the localized area of Ukwani, with a specific focus on the water depths of Obeti, Oliogo, and Ebedei communities. The research utilizes drilling data to determine the water depths and availability of water bodies in these areas. The results revealed that the water depth of Obeti ranges from 6m to 34m, indicating a significant variation in the aquifer level. Similarly, the water depth of Oliogo varies between 10m and 80m, reflecting substantial differences in groundwater availability. Ebedei exhibits a broader range, with water levels varying from 4m to 100 m. The drilling data confirms the presence of water bodies at depths of 25m and 30m in these areas, highlighting potential reservoirs for groundwater extraction and utilization. This study provides valuable insights into the aquifer levels in Ukwuani, shedding light on the variations in water depths and identifying areas with potential water resources. These findings contribute to informed decision-making for water management and resource planning in the region.
    Publication Title The processing and preservation of biogas by utilizing cow manure Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Biosciences | IJB |
    Publication Authors CO. Molua, DA. Ogwu, AO. Ukpene, M. Edobor1, JO. Ataman
    Year Published 2023-07-13
    Abstract This study focused on the generation of biogas from cow dung, specifically examining the anaerobic production process using 10kg of cow dung as input. The results indicated that the amount of biogas produced was directly proportional to the quantity of dung used. A cumulative volume of 35.63m2 was obtained, with an average daily production of 7.5m2, suggesting the process was in its final stage. Additionally, the findings revealed that biogas production is influenced by the quantity of dung employed, meaning that a larger amount of dung can potentially yield a greater quantity of biogas. It is recommended that governments in developing countries encourage private organizations to engage in large-scale biogas production and incorporate its development into rural energy policies, considering the abundant availability of cow dung, the primary raw material for biogas production.
    Publication Title Paradigm Shift In Teacher Training Education Programs and Its Consequences On Human Capital Development In Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology -December 2018, Special Issue for IETC&ITEC
    Paper Link www.tojet.net
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O.
    Year Published 2018-12-14
    Abstract Teacher training education programs in Nigeria have been undergoing structural reforms following societal pressures and policy preferences among stakeholders in education. Teacher training programs had been structured to pass potential teachers through Teachers’ Training Colleges (TTC), Advanced Teachers’ Colleges which later metamorphosed into Colleges of Education, and then Universities. This study was motivated by declining pedagogy among teachers following the collapse of Teacher Training Colleges and the institutional neglect of Colleges of Education with its attendant reduction in value chain production in the education sector. A questionnaire, “teacher quality evaluation questionnaire”, was used to generate data from 380 respondents saddled with teaching at different levels but only 350 were returned (150 from universities, 80 from colleges of education, 60 each from secondary and primary schools respectively) which were used in the analyses. The results showed that pedagogical skills among teachers had declined with the collapse of the TTC. Most respondents are of the opinion that some university graduates do not see teaching as a viable profession while the colleges of education are not endowed to meet the human capital needs of the country. The paper among others, recommended that a rejuvenated TTC program should be reintroduced and made component of the Senior School Certificate program to equip learners with teaching skills prior to entry into colleges or university. Also, special incentives and monetary allowances should be given to trainees on teacher education, while colleges of education should be rejigged to attain appreciable level of training students for enhanced human capital development in the country.
    Publication Title Chest X-Ray ESD and ESAK Assessment in A Few Diagnostic Radiological Facilities in Delta State Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher http://journal.hmjournals.com/index.php/JHTD
    Publication Authors Eseka, K, Molua O.C*, MorkaJ.C, Ukpene,A.O
    Year Published 2022-11-09
    Abstract Abstract:Background: The utilization of X-rays in medical procedures has sparked apprehension regarding their potential adverse consequences, despite their undeniable advantages in the realms of diagnosis and therapy. The present study aimed to evaluate the levels of Entrance Skin Dose (ESD) and Entrance Skin Air Kerma (ESAK) associated with chest X-ray examinations conducted in diagnostic radiological facilities located within Delta State. The present study employed a standardized approach to describe the materials and methods used in the research. The dose assessment was performed on a sample of 700 patients who were 18 years of age or older. These patients were selected from 10 operational facilities located throughout the State. The findings of the study are as follows: The effective dose (ESD), ascertained through the utilization of patient anatomical data and exposure parameters, fell within the recommended reference dose limits of 1 mGy (National Nuclear Regulatory Agency) and 0.4 mGy (International Atomic Energy Agency)for the majority of healthcare facilities. Nevertheless, certain centers demonstrated elevated dose levels, which can be attributed to factors such as increased exposure rates, aging x-ray tubes, and inadequate technician competency. The effective dose values (ESD) exhibited a range of 0.018 to 1.671 mGy for males and 0.084 to 1.542 mGy for females. The range of Entrance Skin Air Kerma (ESAK) values for males was found to be between 0.019 and 0.085 mGy, while for females it ranged from 0.016 to 0.098 mGy. These values were observed to be within the recommended dose limits. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the significance of surveillance of radiation exposure and the implementation of quality assurance protocols in order to safeguard patient well-being and mitigate potential hazards linked to chest X-ray procedures conducted in diagnostic radiological establishments
    Publication Title Health Impact of Indoor Air Quality: Biological, Physical and Economic Considerations Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher http://journal.hmjournals.com/index.php/JHTD
    Publication Authors A.O.Ukpene1* , O.C. Molua2 , C.P. Ukpene3 , J.U. Emagbetere4 , J.C. Igbogbor
    Year Published 2024-01-12
    Abstract Abstract: This article delves into the intricate realm of indoor air quality and its substantial influence on human health. This research investigates the intricate correlation between indoor environments and individuals' well-being by analyzing the interaction of biological elements (such as mold and pollutants), physical aspects (such as ventilation systems), and the economic ramifications of investing in enhancements to home air quality. This article emphasizes the significance of collaborative research and innovation in addressing the complex interplay between biology, physics, and home economics to promote healthier living environments. This is accomplished by synthesizing extant literature, employing methodologies from multiple disciplines, and analyzing the resulting outcomes.
    Publication Title Bio-Inspired Architecture for Energy-Efficient Homes: Blending Nature and Innovation Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Energy Engineering and Thermodynamics (JEET)
    Publication Authors Ukpene A. O1 , Emagbetere J. B , Molua O. C , Ukpene C. P , Akpaokueze T. N
    Year Published 2023-03-16
    Abstract Abstract: Bio-inspired architecture synthesizes innovative design principles and natural elements, paving the way for a sustainable and interconnected future. It requires interdisciplinary collaboration among architects, scientists, engineers, and economists to advance innovation. Establishing robust research frameworks is crucial for enhancing the precision and effectiveness of bio-inspired designs. Public awareness campaigns, policy incentives, and educational initiatives are essential for societal transformation and promoting sustainable lifestyles. Governments and organizations can promote the integration of bio-inspired concepts into conventional architectural practices through incentives, grants, and certifications. This collaborative effort can promote energy-efficient and biophilic designs, advancing societal well-being and environmental stewardship. Bioinspired architecture goes beyond conventional construction practices, representing a philosophy that values nature's wisdom and envisions a state of balanced cohabitation. The journey towards energy-efficient, well-being-promoting, and economically accessible homes is continuous, offering a future where architecture promotes healing, sustainability, and inspiration.
    Publication Title Characterizing the Sorption and Accumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Spider Webs: A Physics-Based Approach Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Research in Science & Engineering
    Publication Authors Molua. O. C*, Ukpene. A. O, Onyeyela. N. K, Emagbetere. J. U
    Year Published 2021-09-01
    Abstract Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widely present indoor air contaminants with inherent health hazards. The current study looks into the physical processes that cause polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to stick to and build up in spider webs. Using controlled experiments and mathematical modelling, our objective is to establish a comprehensive comprehension of the physics underlying the process of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) adsorption on spider silk. This study exhibits potential for improving passive monitoring systems to evaluate indoor air quality.
    Publication Title Energy Storage Technologies and Their Economic Implications in Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Innovations
    Publication Authors Molua, O.C, Ighrakpata, F C, Ukpene, A.O & Egheneji, A
    Year Published 2023-09-10
    Abstract The present study investigates various dimensions of energy storage technologies, integration of renewable energy sources, and energy accessibility in Nigeria, explicitly emphasizing their economic ramifications. This study examines historical data about energy generation costs and energy access in different regions of Nigeria to identify significant patterns and obstacles. Examining energy generation expenses underscores various energy sources' ecological and financial dimensions. Using natural gas and coal is associated with significant environmental challenges primarily stemming from their substantial carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. On the other hand, renewable energy sources, such as solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind power, exhibit cost competitiveness in electricity generation and minimal emissions. Nevertheless, the intermittent nature of renewable energy requires implementing energy storage solutions. Hydropower has emerged as a financially appealing alternative due to its historically low cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh). While energy storage has historically been associated with higher costs, its significant role in facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources and improving the stability of electrical grids is undeniable. The study's investigation into energy access and generation in different regions of Nigeria exposes significant disparities in electricity access rates and total generation capacities. Due to its substantial population and comparatively robust energy infrastructure, Lagos confronts the possibility of encountering capacity deficiencies, notwithstanding its relatively elevated access rate. Kano, a region known for its relatively low electricity access rate and significant population, necessitates substantial capacity expansion to mitigate its energy deficit. Abuja exhibits a moderate level of electricity access, indicating the presence of potential areas for enhancement to cater to its expanding population adequately. Significantly, in alignment with sustainable energy objectives, there has been a notable rise in renewable energy generation in Lagos, Kano, and Abuja. The findings above underscore the significant importance of energy storage in bridging the gap between renewable energy sources and consistent supply, particularly in densely populated regions such as Lagos, Kano, and Abuja. When contemplating the efficiency and capacity that is necessary, These observations underscore the significance of making strategic investments in energy storage technologies and renewable energy sources to enhance energy accessibility, enhance grid dependability, and foster sustainable development within Nigerian industries.
    Publication Title Geophysical Assessment of Coastal Erosion in Nigeria's Coastal Regions: Strategies for Protection and Management Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Research in Science & Engineering
    Publication Authors Molua. O. C*, Ukpene. A. O, Vwavware. J. O, Nwachuku. D. N, Osuhor. P. O
    Year Published 2021-09-25
    Abstract The main purpose of this geophysical assessment was to learn as much as possible about how coastal erosion happens in Nigeria's coastal areas. The end goal was to come up with effective and efficient ways to manage and protect these areas. The research employed a variety of geophysical methodologies, such as GPR, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), and bathymetric surveys, to collect essential data. GPR was utilized to examine the properties of soil and sediment beneath the surface. This investigation unveiled regions where soil cohesion was diminished, rendering them vulnerable to erosion. The organization ERT conducted a comprehensive analysis to determine the scope of saltwater intrusion and the dynamics of groundwater, with a specific focus on identifying areas susceptible to erosion. Bathymetric surveys were conducted to evaluate alterations in submerged topography and shoreline morphology over time, thereby elucidating patterns of shoreline regression. The assessments yielded significant insights into the vulnerabilities of coastal erosion, revealing distinct correlations among soil characteristics, saltwater intrusion, and shoreline alterations. The findings above provide a basis for the formulation of specific strategies to preserve and oversee Nigeria's susceptible coastal areas, thereby fostering the sustainable management of coastal ecosystems and ensuring the protection of coastal communities.
    Publication Title Physics of Cooking: Heat Transfer and Nutritional Retention Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Research in Science & Engineering
    Publication Authors O.C.Molua1, A.O. Ukpene*, Emagbetere, J.U, C.P. Ukpene, Apaokwueze, T.N
    Year Published 2022-03-23
    Abstract This article examines the field of culinary physics, investigating the complex correlation between heat transfer in cooking procedures and its influence on the nutritional content of food. By examining the mechanisms underlying heat transfer and their impact on the preservation of nutritional content, this study can bring about a transformative shift in culinary techniques. By attaining a state of balance between energy efficiency, sensory appeal, and the retention of essential nutrients, this research can revolutionize the field of cooking. This research endeavor's amalgamation of physics, home economics, and biology presents opportunities for a more profound comprehension of the culinary arts.
    Publication Title Sustainable Tourism and Ecosystem Conservation: Minimizing Impact on Fragile Ecosystems Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Social Responsibility, Tourism and Hospitality
    Publication Authors O.C. Molua, A.O. Ukpene, T.N. Apaokueze, C.P.Ukpene, J.U. Emagbetere
    Year Published 2023-11-12
    Abstract Sustainable tourism is crucial in safeguarding the world's fragile ecosystems. This article investigates the development and implementation of sustainable tourism practices to minimize the detrimental impact on these delicate environments. By studying the physics of ecosystem dynamics, the biology of local flora and fauna, and hospitality management techniques for eco-friendly tourism, we explore the vital connection between responsible tourism and ecosystem conservation. This research highlights the importance of striking a balance between tourism development and the protection of our natural heritage.
    Publication Title Corporate Social Responsibility in Biotechnology Companies: Ethical, Environmental and Physical Implications Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Social Responsibility, Tourism and Hospitality
    Publication Authors A.O. Ukpene, O.C. Molua*, Oduma, E.O, A.U. Akporobaro
    Year Published 2022-01-15
    Abstract The biotechnology sector, renowned for its groundbreaking advancements, is increasingly subject to examination regarding its ethical and environmental obligations. The present study examines the ethical and environmental aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the context of biotechnology companies. The objective is to gain a deeper understanding of how these firms can effectively integrate scientific advancements to promote societal and ecological welfare. Our comprehensive study encompasses various aspects, such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, ethical dilemmas, environmental impacts, stakeholder perspectives, and best practices. The study's results emphasize the importance of ethical clinical trial practices and community engagement, the frequency of ethical dilemmas associated with gene-editing technologies, and the significance of energy consumption and the ecological consequences of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Furthermore, various stakeholders, including employees and the community, perceive corporate social responsibility (CSR) as productive. This study enhances our comprehensive comprehension of the transformative capacity of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the biotechnology sector. It guides conducting responsible scientific research and deploying technology to advance societal and environmental well-being.
    Publication Title The Influence of Indoor Air Quality on Hospitality Management: Examining Biological, Physical and Economic Factors Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Social Responsibility, Tourism and Hospitality
    Publication Authors O.C. Molua*, A.O. Ukpene, J.C. Igborgbor, C.P.Ukpene, J.U. Emagbetere
    Year Published 2023-09-20
    Abstract This article explores the complex domain of indoor air quality and its significant impact on human health. This study examines the complex relationship between indoor environments and well-being by exploring the interplay of biological factors (e.g., mold and pollutants), physical aspects (e.g., ventilation systems), and the economic implications of investing in home air quality improvements. This article highlights the importance of collaborative research and innovation in addressing the intricate relationship between biology, physics, and home economics to promote healthier living environments. It achieves this by synthesizing existing literature, employing interdisciplinary methodologies, and analyzing outcomes.
    Publication Title Analyzing the Relationship between Soil Properties and Crop Productivity Using Geophysics and Statistical Models Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal of Agriculture & Forestry Research
    Paper Link www.sarpo.net
    Publication Authors Molua,O.C., Ukpene, A.O., Vwavware, J.O., Emagbetere, J.U., Ighrapata, F.C
    Year Published 2023-12-22
    Abstract Agronomists and researchers have demonstrated persistent interest in examining the relationship between soil properties and crop productivity with the objective of improving agricultural practices. The application of geophysics and statistical models offers valuable techniques for analyzing the complex nature of this relationship. This article investigated the application of geophysical techniques and statistical models to understand the impact of soil properties on agricultural productivity. It thoroughly examined the main factors that influence this relationship through an extensive analysis of existing literature. The results showed that there was correlation between crop yield and soil nutrient level, soil texture, pH level and increased electrical conductivity. The study further recorded that electrical resistivity increased with greater depth due to further dryness in the soil. The study's findings and analyses made valuable contributions to improving agricultural methodologies and increasing crop productivity, while also prioritizing the preservation of sustainable soil management techniques.
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher COOU Journal of Physical Sciences, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli
    Publication Authors UKPENE, ANTHONY OSSAI
    Year Published 2022-05-16
    Abstract Seven varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), Ife Brown, IT98K-128-3, IT98K-506-1, IT93K- 452-1 and IT95K-1072-57, IT06K-149-1, and IT06K-136 were obtained from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan (IITA) and evaluated at the Biological Garden of the University of Delta, Agbor, to determine the development of agronomic characteristics under the influence of the rainforest climatic conditions for possible selection of germplasm for domestication. The study recorded that there were no significant differences among the cowpea varieties but noted higher number of pods per plant for IT06K-149-1(15.79), IT98K-128-3 (15.29), IT93K-452-1 (14.36), IT95K-1072-57 (14.00) while longer pods were recorded in IT06K-149-1(15.86 cm) and IT95K-1072-57 (15.00 cm). These agronomic characteristics are positive indicators of high yield in cowpea and the paper recommended that they could be domesticated for cultivation by farmers.
    Publication Title Application of Genetic and Crop Breeding Strategies to Disease Management for Sustainable Agricultural Holdings Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher COOU Journal of Physical Sciences, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O. , Igborgbor, J.C. , Edith, E.U
    Year Published 2024-04-24
    Abstract This study examined genetic and crop breeding techniques to improve disease control in sustainable agriculture. The study applied a comprehensive approach to analyze genetic diversity, identify resistance genes, utilize marker-assisted breeding, and evaluate disease incidence in genetically modified crops. The results, visualized through scatter plots, bar charts, line charts, and grouped bar charts, provide valuable insights. Genetic diversity scores revealed varying levels among crop varieties, with implications for breeding programs. Identifying resistance genes demonstrates successful advancements in understanding and harnessing genetic factors for disease resistance. Marker-assisted breeding showcased a promising avenue for improving resistance, with some varieties exhibiting substantial percentage increases. The line chart on disease incidence in genetically modified crops illustrates the effectiveness of genetic modifications in reducing disease impact. Lastly, the grouped bar chart comparing field trial results demonstrates the dual benefit of improved disease resistance and increased yield.
    Publication Title Unraveling the Genetic Basis of Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher ournal of Computing, Science &Technology, University of Delta, Agbor.
    Publication Authors Anthony O. Ukpene
    Year Published 2024-05-20
    Abstract This study probes into unravelling the genetic basis of abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants, addressing critical gaps in knowledge and contributing to sustainable agricultural practices. Employing a mixed-method approach, the research integrated genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic analyses to characterize stress-tolerant crop varieties comprehensively. The experimental setup involved controlled stress induction (drought, extreme temperatures) on selected varieties, enabling the collection of morphological, physiological, and molecular data. Results revealed distinctive morphological responses, with cassava exhibiting superior growth in height, leaf area, and root length under abiotic stress. Physiological analyses indicated cassava's heightened resilience, showcasing higher chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, and lower osmotic potential. Transcriptomic profiling highlighted cassava's elevated expression of stress-responsive genes, while proteomic analysis showcased an increased abundance of stress-responsive proteins. Genomic variations, represented through single nucleotide polymorphisms, were associated with stress tolerance traits, emphasizing the genetic diversity within crop varieties. Comparative stress tolerance indices further underscored cassava's superior performance. Line graphs and bar graphs were the visualization tools used to enhance data interpretation. These findings contribute significantly to the theoretical framework of plant-environment interactions, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations. The study's multidisciplinary nature and innovative methodologies provide a nuanced understanding of stress tolerance mechanisms, bridging existing knowledge gaps. The practical implications include the potential development of stress-tolerant crop varieties, crucial for ensuring global food security amid environmental challenges. Overall, this research advances our understanding of crop resilience and lays the groundwork for future agricultural innovations.
    Publication Title Genomic Variation and Adaptation in Wild Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp): Insights for Enhancing Crop Resilience and Food Security Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Paper Link www.bjps.org.ng
    Publication Authors A. O. UKPENE
    Year Published 2024-06-30
    Abstract This study was aimed at investigating genomic variation in wild cowpea populations to understand its implications for crop improvement. The method adopted in the study encompassed population structure analysis and gene flow studies, supported by statistical tools, to elucidate genetic dynamics from 3 wild cowpea varieties grown on a complete randomized block design with 3 replicates. Results indicate distinct phenotypic traits and genomic markers associated with adaptive mechanisms, with significant variability observed across populations. Genomic analyses revealed diverse variations across chromosomes and loci, highlighting the rich genetic landscape of the wild cowpea populations. Notably, gene flow analysis demonstrated dynamic genetic exchange between wild and cultivated populations, influencing genetic diversity. The study provides insights into genotype-phenotype associations and provides useful implications for crop breeding. The findings highlighted the importance of conserving wild cowpea populations and developing genetic diversity for sustainable agriculture. In conclusion, the findings of this are useful in deciphering the interactions between the various factors in genotype-phenotype correlations and thus helpful in crop improvement projects, stressing that wild cowpea populations and the genetic resource for sustainable agriculture should be conserved and evolved.
    Publication Title Preservation of Botanical Genetic Resources to Promote Sustainable Herbal Practices Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher FUPRE Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
    Publication Authors UKPENE, A.O., KONYEME, T.E., CHIJINDU, P.C
    Year Published 2023-12-07
    Abstract Botanical genetic resources are essential for sustaining herbal practices by preserving the biodiversity of medicinal plants, and this article underscores their significance, current challenges, and potential solutions. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and diverse methodologies, it emphasizes the critical importance of safeguarding these resources. The study assesses the conservation status of medicinal plants, revealing the vulnerability of species like "Ginseng" and "St. John's Wort" in contrast to the stability of "Chamomile" and "Ashwagandha." A scatter plot demonstrates the need to preserve genetic diversity, with "Ashwagandha" boasting 40 genotypes and "Valerian" only three. The research explores the effectiveness of conservation methods, highlighting "Botanical Gardens" and "In Situ Conservation" as prominent choices, with a line chart showing significant population increases for "Aloe Vera" and "Chamomile" over time. Additionally, the study delves into scientific findings, revealing that various research studies have led to the discovery of therapeutic compounds, with "Ashwagandha" as a standout species, as depicted in a bar chart. In summary, this study emphasizes the pivotal role of preserving botanical genetic resources in sustaining herbal practices, stressing the need to protect vulnerable species, maintain genetic diversity, and showcasing the efficacy of diverse conservation methods. The research findings underscore the potential for scientific advancements that benefit both traditional and modern medicine, contributing to the broader discourse on the conservation of medicinal plants and the promotion of sustainable herbal practices.
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher African Journal of Health, Safety and Environment
    Paper Link www.ajhse.org
    Publication Authors UKPENE, A.O., 1IGBORGBOR, J.C., ODUMA, E. & KONYEME, T.E.
    Year Published 2024-06-15
    Abstract This work documented the effects of oil spills on the aquatic environment by analyzing changes in oil density, water chemistry and species abundance for 15 days in two locations in the Niger Delta. The main rationale was to assess the oil spill's environmental implications and determine the measures that should be implemented. Samples collected daily enabled measurements of the oil content, pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO) on the water surface. Key equipment included spectrophotometers for oil concentration analysis and multiparameter water quality tools for pH and DO measurements. Statistical tools such as regression analysis and ANOVA were employed to evaluate the data. Results indicate a significant decline in oil concentration at both sites. The results of Site A were reduced from 250 ?g/L to 170 ?g/L, having a regression slope of -5.33 ?g/L per day (p < 0.01). Site B's concentration dropped from 320 ?g/L to 250 ?g/L, with a slope of -4.67 ?g/L per day (p < 0.01). Water quality also deteriorated, with Site A’s pH dropping from 7.8 to 6.4 and DO from 8.5 mg/L to 7.1 mg/L. Site B exhibited similar trends, with pH decreasing from 7.9 to 6.5 and DO from 8.6 mg/L to 7.2 mg/L. The results of the ANOVA analysis indicated that the fish population significantly declined at both sites and to this extent, Site A lost eight kinds of fish while Site B lost only 10(p<0.01). Therefore, the study found that the oil spill adversely impacts water quality and the nature of various organisms. These discoveries would help in the current state of knowledge by quantifying the effects of oil spillage and proposing an improved approach to environmental management, which includes but is not limited to effectively mitigating the effects of oil spillage by increasing the monitoring of the effects and rendering timely remediation solutions, and engaging various stakeholders, enforcing strict measures and constantly monitoring the environment.
    Publication Title Biocontrol Potential of Endophytic Fungi against Orobanche Infestations in Fruit Crops: A Case Study in Delta State, Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage.
    Publication Authors UKPENE, AO; ODUMA, EO
    Year Published 2024-09-05
    Abstract This study investigated the potential of endophytic fungi as biocontrol agents against Orobanche infestations in fruit crops such as chickpea, soybean, lentil, and pea plants from different sites in Ika agricultural habitats in Delta State, Nigeria, using appropriate standard methods. Fusarium sp. showed significant inhibition of Orobanche crenata (75%) by mycotoxin production and Penicillium sp. (65%) by biocombustion. Field trials showed a significant reduction in Orobanche-infested areas, with Fusarium sp. (40% to 10%) and Penicillium sp. (30% to 10%) treatments showing significant yield improvement (20% and 22%, respectively). The study concluded that selected fungi, especially Fusarium sp. and Penicillium sp., are effective control agents for Orobanche in legume crops. This information contributes to sustainable agriculture by providing environmentally friendly alternatives to pesticides, crop yields, and economic losses from plants, and it reduces the incidence of pests.
    Publication Title Micromorphological and Nutritional Attributes of two Varieties of Vernonia amagdalina Del. Domesticated in Delta State Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Communication in Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
    Publication Authors Thelma Ewere Konyeme and Anthony Ossai Ukpene
    Year Published 2024-09-19
    Abstract This study examined the potential of two Vernonia amygdalina varieties (bitter and non-bitter) as sources of nutrients and medicinal compounds. Micromorphological analysis revealed variations in stomata size (bitter: 1.57±0.20 ?m; non-bitter: 1.49±0.42 ?m), index (bitter: 1.20±0.60%; non-bitter: 2.30±0.21%), and trichome index (bitter: 0.55±0.36%; non-bitter: 0.90±0.19%) between the varieties, while stomata type and anticlinal wall patterns were similar. Both varieties were rich in minerals, with bitter varieties containing higher levels of sodium (7.27±0.43 mg/g), potassium (17.07±0.45 mg/g), phosphorus (3.15±0.41 mg/g), iron (0.65±0.02 mg/g), zinc (0.15±0.03 mg/g), and copper (0.16±0.04 mg/g) compared to non-bitter varieties. Proximate composition analysis showed higher levels of crude fiber (1.76±0.50%), crude protein (21.07±0.30%), and carbohydrate (23.33±0.82%) in non-bitter varieties, while bitter varieties had higher levels of moisture (50.01±0.40%), crude ash (7.95±0.56%), and crude fat (2.15±0.20%). Phytochemical analysis revealed higher levels of tannin (0.13±0.85%), saponin (0.08±0.02%), and flavonoid (0.22±0.09%) in non-bitter varieties, while alkaloid levels (1.26±0.27%) were higher in bitter varieties. These findings suggest that both Vernonia amygdalina varieties are valuable sources of nutrients and phytochemicals, with potential applications in food and medicine.
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Scientia Africana, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A.O. and Oduma, E.O
    Year Published 2024-08-02
    Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using nematode-resistant maize and cassava in Nigeria to improve farmers' sustainability and reduce pest pressures. Nematodes significantly impact global crop yield and availability, necessitating the development of resistant cultivars to reduce yield losses and reliance on chemical control measures. Field experiments were conducted in Agbor-Nta, Nigeria, using Resistant Variety A and Resistant Variety D developed from CRISPRCas9 and Marker Assisted Selection. The study found that Resistant Variety A reduced nematode count by 80%, increased yields, and higher net profits. Resistant Variety D also showed reasonable nematode control and economic returns, significantly reducing the nematode population to 12 per gram, achieving a 76% reduction. The adoption rate of CRISPR-Cas9 developed Resistant Variety A reached 50% by 2024. The study underscored the importance of advanced breeding technologies in producing nematode-resistant crops for farming sustainability and economies. The application of germplasm from CRISPR-Cas9 and MAS techniques successfully improved genetic improvement, reduced pest pressures, and enhanced yields. These findings align with efforts to improve agricultural sustainability by promoting reliable crop types to maintain food supply and economic stability in agricultural-dependent areas.
    Publication Title Quantum Mechanics and Cellular Biology: A Holistic Approach to Remote Work and Achieving Work-Life Balance Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Nigerian Journal of Theoretical and Environmental Physics (NJTEP)
    Publication Authors Ukpene, A. O., Molua, O. C., Igborgbor, J. C.1, Vwavware, J. O., Emagbetere, J. U. and Nwachuku, D. N.
    Year Published 2023-12-10
    Abstract In this groundbreaking study, an exploration is made of the nexus of quantum mechanics, cellular biology, and the dynamic landscape of remote work. Drawing parallels between the microscopic principles governing quantum phenomena and the intricate processes within cellular biology, we unveil a tapestry of insights that offer profound implications for achieving work-life balance in the digital age. The study synthesizes theoretical frameworks and practical strategies through a comprehensive methodology encompassing literature reviews, interviews with remote work professionals, integration of quantum-cellular insights, expert validation, and ethical considerations. The findings underscore the importance of fostering connectivity, adaptability, and equilibrium in remote work dynamics. As it delves into the quantum-inspired symphony of interconnectedness, suggested recommendations provide actionable steps for organizations to navigate the challenges of remote work, ensuring a harmonious and thriving professional landscape. This study contributes to the discourse on reshaping the future of work. It is a guiding beacon for individuals and organizations seeking balance in the quantum dance of professional existence.
    Publication Title Exploring the Correlation between Indoor Airflow Dynamics and the Accumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons using Spider Silk as a Passive Sampler Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Nigerian Journal of Physics (NJP)
    Publication Authors Molua, O. C., Ukpene, A. O., Konyeme, T. E., Ighrakpata, F. C., Adu, M. E., and Igborgbor, J. C.
    Year Published 2023-12-13
    Abstract This study integrates geophysics and statistical models to explore the intricate relationship between soil properties and crop productivity. Fifteen locations in the Agricultural Farmlands of Abavo, Delta State, Nigeria, were selected to represent a range of soil properties and crop types. Geophysical techniques, including electromagnetic induction (EMI) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), were employed to collect soil data on texture, nutrient content, and electrical conductivity. Crop yield data were gathered across multiple cycles for various crops and planting seasons. The collected data were cleaned, validated, and integrated to form a comprehensive dataset for analysis. Soil texture was assessed using EMI and ground-penetrating radar (GPR), while nutrient content and electrical conductivity were analyzed through geophysical methods. Statistical graphs illustrate the relationships between soil properties and crop yield. Results revealed significant correlations between soil properties and crop productivity. Loamy soil exhibited the highest crop yields, emphasizing its positive impact on water retention, drainage, and root penetration. Nutrient content, particularly nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, is associated with increased crop productivity. Electrical conductivity, indicative of soil moisture levels, showed a positive relationship with crop yield, highlighting the importance of adequate soil moisture for optimal plant growth. The study also employed machine learning to visualize historical relationships between soil texture, nutrient content, and crop yield. These insights offer actionable information for farmers, guiding decisions on soil management practices and crop selection. While the findings contribute valuable insights, geophysical methods, and statistical model limitations were acknowledged. Calibration with traditional soil sampling and consideration of data quality and quantity are essential for precise interpretation. In conclusion, the results of this study provide practical tools for farmers and agronomists to make informed decisions regarding soil management practices, crop selection, and resource optimization. Integrating geophysics and statistical models holds transformative potential for sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring food security and environmental stewardship. Recommendations include further investigations into integrating geophysical data with other environmental variables for improved predictive models. Ultimately, this study contributes to the ongoing effort to enhance agricultural precision and sustainability.
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS), Federal University, Dutsin-ma, Katsina
    Publication Authors Molua, O. C., Ukpene, A. O., Ighrakpata, F. C., 1Nwachuku, D. N., Ogwu, D. A. and Edobor, M.
    Year Published 2023-12-13
    Abstract Biogas production from waste biomass has gained significant attention as a sustainable alternative to conventional fossil fuels. This study investigated the potential of using tree waste materials for biogas production and optimizing the process parameters. A lab-scale anaerobic digester was used to evaluate the biogas generation potential of tree trimmings and sawdust. Different process parameters, including the substrate-to-inoculum ratio, temperature, and pH, were varied to optimize the biogas yield. We also analyzed the chemical composition of the feedstock and the digestate to assess nutrient recovery potential. The results showed that tree trimmings and sawdust are suitable feedstocks for biogas production, with a maximum biogas yield of 228.4 mL CH4/g VS added obtained at a substrate-to-inoculum ratio of 2:1 and a temperature of 35°C. The nutrient analysis showed that the digestate obtained from the anaerobic digestion process is a rich source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which can be used as fertilizer.
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Open Journal of Physical Science (OJPS)
    Publication Authors Ighrakpata, F. C., Nwachuku, D. N., Emagbetere, J. U., Molua, O. C. & Ukpene, A. O.
    Year Published 2023-12-15
    Abstract This study explores the efficacy of VLF techniques in mapping aquifer contamination. Conducted in Agbor, a city within Delta State, Nigeria, the study focuses on a contaminated aquifer of approximately 5 km² known for nitrate, petroleum hydrocarbon, and heavy metal contamination. The methodology involves VLF data collection using a Geonics EM-16 VLF receiver and transmitter, subsequent analysis using Geonics VLF2XYZ software, and comparison with traditional groundwater monitoring methods. The results indicated that VLF surveys effectively differentiate between contaminated and clean areas based on subsurface conductivity. The study demonstrates the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of VLF techniques compared to traditional methods, as VLF surveys cover larger areas in less time without drilling. Interpreting VLF resistivity maps reveals potential contamination areas, aiding in identifying contaminant sources and pathways. The validation framework assesses VLF techniques' accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and robustness, emphasizing the need for careful interpretation and validation with traditional methods. Implications for aquifer contamination assessment include mapping contamination extent, identifying new contamination areas, and monitoring remediation efforts. The study concludes that VLF techniques offer a promising and cost-effective method for aquifer contamination assessment. Recommendations include incorporating VLF techniques into site investigation programs, further research to optimize VLF technologies, site-specific investigations based on VLF survey results, and regular VLF surveys for ongoing monitoring and risk assessment. Overall, the findings contribute to alternative methods for aquifer contamination assessment, enhancing understanding and managing groundwater resources.
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Open Journal of Agricultural Science (OJAS)
    Publication Authors Molua, O. C., Ukpene, A. O., Ighrakpata, F. C., Emagbetere, J. U. & Nwachuku, D. N.
    Year Published 2023-12-15
    Abstract Soil compaction poses a significant challenge to modern agriculture, negatively impacting soil productivity and crop yields. This article reviews current research on non-destructive techniques for identifying soil compaction and evaluates their effectiveness in understanding its impact on agricultural output. Sustainable practices are explored, focusing on non-destructive methods like soil penetrometry, ground-penetrating radar (GPR), remote sensing, and geophysical approaches. The study emphasizes the advantages of non-destructive technologies over traditional invasive methods, allowing immediate assessment without compromising soil integrity. Case studies demonstrate the practical application of these techniques in diverse agricultural environments, showcasing their ability to detect and manage soil compaction. The literature review underscores the importance of promptly and accurately identifying soil compaction to implement effective management measures. Results and interpretations from relevant research highlight the effects of compaction on root development, water permeation, nutrient accessibility, and overall agricultural productivity. Real-world case studies and tables visually depict non-destructive techniques, measurement parameters, and the correlation between soil attributes and crop productivity. The discussion delves into the limitations of non-destructive procedures, emphasizing the need for calibration against conventional methods for precision. The article stresses the significance of non-destructive practices in promoting sustainable agriculture. Proposed actions include further studies to refine and establish these techniques, comparative analyses across different soil types and crops, and the development of user-friendly software for incorporating non-destructive data into agricultural practices. The integration of non-invasive methods into routine soil monitoring is seen as a key strategy to enhance the resilience and productivity of agricultural systems, fostering environmentally friendly farming methods.
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher The Nigerian Joural of Curriculum and Instruction
    Paper Link Researchgate
    Publication Authors Ukpene, Anthony Ossai
    Year Published 2005-09-10
    Abstract The quality of the Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) depends on the potential academic competence of the recipients of instructions, the availability of adequate materials and equipments to facilitate effective teaching and learning as well as on the quality and disposition of teachers. One factor that determines the quality of the students admitted into NCE Programme in the Federal Colleges of Education (Technical) is the mode of recruitment. This paper discusses requisite entry qualifications vis-à-vis the admission policies in these colleges in Nigeria, highlighting certain implications of these policies and making useful suggestions that might beef up the quality of the Certificate in Nigéria and elsewhere.
    Publication Title Evaluation of Phytoremediation in the Ogoni Wasteland of Southern Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal of Environmental Impact and Management Policy
    Publication Authors Anthony O. Ukpene
    Year Published 2024-04-20
    Abstract Phytoremediation offers an effective strategy for managing environmental degradation in the Ogoni wastelands of southern Nigeria, but its benefits and socio-economic implications have not been adequately studied. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of phytoremediation techniques on soil contamination and community perception and participation in environmental restoration efforts. Soil samples were collected from several sites in Ogoni wasteland, and pollutant concentrations were analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Selected plant species were used for phytoremediation interventions, and microbial activity was assessed using CO2 production rates. Household surveys and interviews were conducted to measure perceptions of community membership and involvement in correctional programs. Analysis of soil samples revealed a significant decrease in contaminant concentrations after phytoremediation, with average initial concentrations decreasing to 23.456 mg/kg and plant biomass accumulation rates of 0.567 kg/sq m returning to 4.901 kg/m², an indication of differences in activity of various organisms in pollutant uptake. After phytoremediation, the changes showed an increasing trend, with CO2 emissions increasing from 0.567 mg CO2/g/hr to 1.345 mg CO2/g/hr. The household survey showed a positive attitude towards the effectiveness of phytoremediation, with an average score of 4.012 on a scale of 1 to 5. Research findings show that phytoremediation can be a sustainable solution for soil pollution in the Ogoni wastelands. These results contribute to the existing body of knowledge by providing empirical evidence and insights into the environmental, social, and economic dynamics of ecological restoration in conflict zones on the background.
    Publication Title Effects of GSM Phone Radiation on Sleep Quality Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal Healthcare Treatment Development
    Publication Authors Collins O. Molua, Ukpene O. Anthony
    Year Published 2024-05-10
    Abstract This study examines the correlation between exposure to GSM phone radiation and the quality of sleep in subjects. A varied group of 15 adults between the ages of 18 and 65 was selected, with demographic information gathered in addition to objective and subjective sleep measurements. Specialized equipment was used to monitor GSM phone radiation levels, while sleep quality was evaluated using polysomnography (PSG) devices and self-reported sleep diaries. Correlation analyses showed substantial links between GSM phone radiation exposure and different sleep metrics such as total sleep time, sleep onset delay, sleep efficiency, and subjective sleep quality ratings. Higher levels of GSM phone radiation were linked to longer total sleep lengths and longer sleep onset latencies, as well as worse sleep efficiency and poorer subjective sleep quality. The results emphasize the significance of examining how mobile phone use can affect sleep quality and emphasize the necessity for additional study to clarify the underlying mechanisms and determine causation.
    Publication Title 39 J. Agric. For. Res. Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 39-48, Year 2024 Journal of Agriculture & Forestry Research ? Volume 3 ? Number 2 ? April ? 2024? Bamboo Cultivation as a Sustainable Agroforestry Practice: Balancing Environmental Conservation and Economic Benefits in Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal of Agriculture & Forestry Research ? JAFR ?ournal of Agriculture & Forestry Research ? JAFR ?
    Paper Link www.sarpo.net
    Publication Authors Ukpene, Anthony Ossai
    Year Published 2024-04-25
    Abstract This study examined bamboo cultivation in different ecological zones in Nigeria with the objective of assessing its economic viability, ecological benefits, and associated challenges. Objectives included identifying the characteristics of the experimental zones, appraising bamboo tree parameters, assessing the economic benefits as well as the ecological benefits, and identifying constraints and opportunities. Methodologically, experimental sites were categorized based on region, agro-climatic zone, bamboo species, soil type, and cultivation practices. Measurement parameters encompassed soil pH, organic matter, nutrient levels, bamboo height, diameter, biomass accumulation, and environmental variables, monitored using specific instruments. There were variations in data across regions: the North emphasizing traditional uses, the South-East focusing on commercial applications, and the South-West adopting an integrated approach. Economic analysis indicated varying income generation, job creation, and value addition, with the South-East demonstrating the highest economic returns. Ecological benefits included soil conservation, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity enhancement, varying across the various regions. Recommendations involve regular validation, stakeholder collaboration, policy development, market and infrastructure investments, financial support, technical training programs, land tenure policies, and continuous monitoring. The paper concludes that bamboo cultivation holds considerable potential in Nigeria for sustainable growth, economic development, and environmental resilience.
    Publication Title Assessing the Impact of Sachet Water Disposal Practices on Urban Environmental Health in Southern Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal of Environmental Impact and Management Policy
    Publication Authors Anthony O. Ukpene
    Year Published 2024-06-27
    Abstract This research investigated the impact of sachet water disposal practices on the environmental health of urban Nigeria. The study used both practice and scientific data collection to gather survey, water, and disease check information. The data was analyzed using SPSS. The results showed that 85% of waste in sachet water was unsanitarily disposed of, with 40% dumped on the streets and 25% dumped in drainage systems. The pollution of water bodies in urban areas was alarming, with plastic levels ranging from 10 mg to 150 mg per liter. High waste areas also showed increased incidence rates of waterborne diseases, such as typhoid (15%), cholera (12%), dysentery (8%), and hepatitis A (5%). The population's knowledge of proper disposal methods was generally low, with 25% fully aware, 20% knowing the right method but not using it, 30% having minimal understanding, and 25% having no knowledge at all. The study found that improper disposal rates had decreased from 70% in 2020 to a projected 50% in 2024. However, further improvement is needed in waste management infrastructure, laws and penalties, public awareness, and encouraging responsible and sustainable waste disposal practices.
    Publication Title Understanding the Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Injuries in High-Risk Environmental Conditions Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal of Nursing Research, Patient Safety and Practise
    Publication Authors Collins Molua Ogom, Anthony Ossai Ukpene
    Year Published 2024-07-16
    Abstract The present study examines the biomechanics of musculoskeletal injuries in high-risk environmental conditions by thoroughly analyzing diverse data sources and employing various methodologies. This study utilizes motion analysis, force sensor measurements, computer simulations, and biomechanical testing to examine the various factors contributing to musculoskeletal injuries. The analysis of motion indicates that specific tests, namely varus test, impose considerably greater biomechanical stress, thereby emphasizing their susceptibility to causing injuries. The force sensor data reveals that pressure mapping system is responsible for exerting the highest force, raising concerns regarding its potential impact on the risk of injury. According to computer simulations, various injury risks are associated with different conditions, with load carriage exhibiting the highest risk. The analysis of joint stability during biomechanical testing reveals discrepancies in joint stability levels across different tasks. Outliers within the dataset highlight tasks that exhibit notable concerns regarding joint stability. Moreover, supplementary motion analysis data about various task variants, such as Sulcus sign and vasus stress test unveils distinct variations that lead to heightened levels of biomechanical stress. The discoveries mentioned above offer valuable perspectives on the biomechanical foundations of musculoskeletal injuries in environments with elevated risk levels. The aforementioned findings emphasize the necessity of implementing focused interventions, enhancing equipment design, and implementing heightened safety measures to reduce the risks of injury effectively. The present study establishes a fundamental basis for subsequent research endeavors and proposes approaches designed to safeguard the welfare of individuals operating in demanding contexts.
    Publication Title Genetic Predictors of Longevity and Healthy Aging Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal Healthcare Treatment Development
    Publication Authors Anthony O. Ukpene
    Year Published 2022-07-31
    Abstract This paper aimed to investigate the interplay between the genetic and epigenetic impact of the environment on longevity and health outcomes, as well as to uncover specific markers for and interventions into individuals' longevity and health span. The data comprised 15 participants and included rs2802292 (FOXO3) and rs7412 (APOE) genetic variants as well as epigenetic modifications, exposure to environments, and health outcomes. We also found that 12.345% of the sample carried the FOXO3 variant rs2802292 on chromosome 6, which was associated with an average lifespan of 89.567 years. Healthy diet and exercise demonstrated the strongest correlation with increased lifespan, with adherents to a healthy diet averaging 88 years. Dietary demands include maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise, but the relationship between specific diets and longevity has received relatively little attention. Many epigeneticassociated alterations, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation, have an impact on telomere length and, moreover, on the levels of oxidative stress. Studies such as the one conducted through statistical tools such as ANOVA t-tests and regression analysis indicate the following: a set of beneficial genes in combination with healthy lifestyles and therapeutic interventions can significantly add to life span and life health span. These findings mean that aging is a holistic process and that the decision to promote overall health is crucial for people at different stages of life.
    Publication Title Modeling the transport and fate of waterborne pathogens for enhanced water quality and public health protection Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES)
    Publication Authors AO. Ukpene, OC. Molua, CN. Isibor, TN. Apaokueze, JO. Vwavware
    Year Published 2023-12-12
    Abstract This research delves into the intricate dynamics of waterborne pathogens and their influence on water quality and public health protection. The study's primary objective is to unveil the mechanisms governing the transport and fate of these pathogens in various water bodies, utilizing a robust methodology that combines data collection, statistical analysis, mathematical modelling, and geographic information systems. The data encompass pathogen concentrations, water quality parameters, and other relevant variables collected across diverse locations, depths, and downstream areas. A rigorous preprocessing and validation process ensures the quality and integrity of the data, while normalization provides consistency for meaningful analysis. The results of our study offer illuminating insights into the interactions between water quality parameters and pathogen concentrations. Statistical analyses reveal significant associations, which have implications for understanding pathogen behaviour's temporal and spatial trends. Mathematical models, validated against the data, provide a comprehensive framework for simulating the transport and fate of waterborne pathogens. Spatial analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) helps pinpoint areas of concern and potential contamination sources, further enhancing the study's utility. The findings yield practical recommendations for improving water quality and public health protection, encompassing strategies for mitigating pathogen contamination and enhancing water quality management. This research advances our knowledge of waterborne pathogen dynamics and serves as a practical resource for water quality professionals, public health agencies, and environmental scientists. By elucidating the intricate interplay between pathogens, ecological parameters, and public health, this study contributes to enhancing water quality and safeguarding public health, reinforcing the importance of rigorous scientific research in these critical domains.
    Publication Title Dynamics of Crop-Pest Interactions and Variability in Economic Injury Thresholds in a Diverse Cropping Environment Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal of Agriculture & Forestry Research ? JAFR ?ournal of Agriculture & Forestry Research ? JAFR ?
    Paper Link www.sarpo.net
    Publication Authors Ukpene, Anthony Ossai and Konyeme, Thelma Ewere
    Year Published 2024-04-29
    Abstract This research investigated the complex interplay between crop-pest dynamics and variations in economic injury levels, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of these critical factors in agriculture. Adopting a mixed-methods approach, the study integrated ecological and economic perspectives, utilizing field experiments with diverse crops, pest species, and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. Ecological measurements for temperature, precipitation, soil health, and biodiversity indices, were collected to explain the environmental context. Economic injury levels were assessed by quantifying crop yield, market value, and pest control costs, offering insights into the economic viability of different pest management approaches. The results revealed diverse ecological dynamics across experimental plots, highlighting the influence of environmental factors on pest populations. Economic injury levels demonstrated the economic consequences of pest damage, with implications for decision-making in pest control strategies. Stakeholder interviews reflected positive perceptions toward IPM, emphasizing its practical benefits in sustainable agriculture. Quantitative evaluation of IPM outcomes showcased reductions in pest populations, improved crop yields, and economic benefits, supporting the efficacy of integrated approaches. In conclusion, this research contributed valuable insights into the holistic understanding of crop-pest dynamics. The findings suggested a robust approach when considering both ecological and economic factors. The outstanding perceptions of stakeholders towards IPM underscored its potential as a sustainable pest management strategy. This research serves as a foundation for future studies in optimizing pest management practices, contributing to the broader knowledge in agricultural science.
    Publication Title The Heritability of Mental Health Disorders: The Role of Heritability and Environmental Factors Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal of Mental Health Issues and Behavior
    Publication Authors Anthony O. Ukpene
    Year Published 2022-10-25
    Abstract The purpose of this paper was to identify the degree of heritability of mental health disorders by examining the relationship between genetic predisposition and environmental triggers. We recruited fifty-five participants from five medical centers in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria, regardless of their gender or age, based on their predisposing family history of mental disorders. Prior to the study, these participants underwent a structured interview, a genetic vulnerability assessment using a specific polymorphism assay, and an environmental search. In view of this, it was ascertained that the estimated heritability of various mental disorders was: major depressive disorder (MDD) = 50–60%; bipolar disorder = 70–80%; schizophrenia = 60–70%; anxiety disorders = 30–40%; and attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) = 70–80%. Environmental conditions, childhood trauma, chemical use, the economic situation, living in large populations, and parents' mental health are among the factors that contribute to mental health disorders. Altogether, the work proved that genetic predispositions to mental health disorders bear equal responsibility in the development of the diseases, though it identified environmental factors as central in either enhancing or triggering these susceptibilities. This study provides clear evidence that mental health disorders are polygenic, and that research on the disorders should include both genetic and environmental aspects.
    Publication Title Examining the Impact of Parasitic Infections on Mental Health and Health Indices in Patients from Southern Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal of Mental Health Issues and Behavior
    Publication Authors Ewoma O. Oduma, Anthony O Ukpene
    Year Published 2024-07-19
    Abstract There is evidence of parasitic diseases as well as psychological issues in some regions of the world including Southern Nigeria; thus, the relationship between these infections and the mental health condition must be understood. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of parasitic infections among mental health patients, common coexisting psychiatric disorders and effects of treatment on mental health of patients. Data was collected using records of clinical evaluations, laboratory tests and structured interviews. In this cross sectional study on mental health patients, there were 30% who had malaria, 16% with schistosomes, 20% with helminthes and 10% with toxoplasma. Other findings were as follows: Patients with parasitic infections had higher prevalence of depressive disorder at 40% as compared to normal healthy control of 25%; of anxiety disorder at 35% in the study group as compared to 20% in normal health control; of cognitive impairment at 30% in the parasitic affected compared with 15% in normal health controls; of psychotic disorder 20% in the parasitic infected patients There was a significant difference in health indices; 5 ± 2. 0 versus the control group of 13. 0 ± 1. 5 g/dL, likewise BMI was significantly lower in the study group (247) 19. 5 ± 3. 5 versus control group, 22. 0 ± 2. 8 k/m2, cognitive function. Treatments included records of antimalarials, which yielded the following level of self-reported improvement: A 65% improvement was noted among those treated for mixed infections. Thus, integrating mental health services into parasitic infection control programmes and aggressive preventive measures are beneficial for enhancing health. These findings added knowledge to the investigation of effects of parasitic infections on the mental health of individuals and also re-underscore the need to involve multi-faceted models of approach in effectively treating people with infections.
    Publication Title Examining the Impact of Parasitic Infections on Mental Health and Health Indices in Patients from Southern Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type Published Research
    Publisher Journal of Mental Health Issues and Behavior
    Publication Authors Ewoma O. Oduma, Anthony O Ukpene
    Year Published 2024-07-19
    Abstract There is evidence of parasitic diseases as well as psychological issues in some regions of the world including Southern Nigeria; thus, the relationship between these infections and the mental health condition must be understood. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of parasitic infections among mental health patients, common coexisting psychiatric disorders and effects of treatment on mental health of patients. Data was collected using records of clinical evaluations, laboratory tests and structured interviews. In this cross sectional study on mental health patients, there were 30% who had malaria, 16% with schistosomes, 20% with helminthes and 10% with toxoplasma. Other findings were as follows: Patients with parasitic infections had higher prevalence of depressive disorder at 40% as compared to normal healthy control of 25%; of anxiety disorder at 35% in the study group as compared to 20% in normal health control; of cognitive impairment at 30% in the parasitic affected compared with 15% in normal health controls; of psychotic disorder 20% in the parasitic infected patients There was a significant difference in health indices; 5 ± 2. 0 versus the control group of 13. 0 ± 1. 5 g/dL, likewise BMI was significantly lower in the study group (247) 19. 5 ± 3. 5 versus control group, 22. 0 ± 2. 8 k/m2, cognitive function. Treatments included records of antimalarials, which yielded the following level of self-reported improvement: A 65% improvement was noted among those treated for mixed infections. Thus, integrating mental health services into parasitic infection control programmes and aggressive preventive measures are beneficial for enhancing health. These findings added knowledge to the investigation of effects of parasitic infections on the mental health of individuals and also re-underscore the need to involve multi-faceted models of approach in effectively treating people with infections.
    Publication Title Geo-electriC assessment of groundwater potentials and vulnerability to Contaminants for sustainable water management at Utue-Ogume, Delta State, Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Geology and Geophysics of Russia South
    Publication Authors D.A. Ogwu, O.C. Molua , T.C. Irunkwor , J.O. Ataman , M. Edobor , A.O. Ukpene , A.O. Egheneji
    Year Published 2024-02-28
    Abstract Relevance. The study focuses on assessing groundwater potentials and the effectiveness of the overburden protective layer in preventing contaminant intrusion into the groundwater aquifer within a municipal- ity in the Western Niger Delta. Aim. Employing Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES), 2-D resistivity imaging, and Dar-zarrouk parameters, the research aims to investigate the geoelectric characteristics of the subsurface layers, delineate the aquiferous layer, and assess the protective capacity of the overburden. Methods. Nine VES were conducted using the Mini-Res Resistivity Meter with the Schlumberger array. Data processing utilized IPI2win software, revealing seven to eight geoelectric layers. The aquiferous layer, situated between the fifth and sixth layers, exhibited varying resistivity (924.9?m to 1629?m), thickness (34.52 m to 79.20 m), and depth (55.95 m to 106.00 m). Results. Dar-zarrouk hydraulic parameters (hydraulic conductivity, longitudinal conductance, transverse resistance, and transmissivity) were derived from aquifer resistivity and thickness. Hydraulic con- ductivity ranged from 6.55 m/day to 6.80m/day, transmissivity from 228.5 m²/day to 538.6 m²/day, longitudinal conductance from 0.031?– ¹ to 0.076?– ¹, and transverse resistance from 37385.1?m² to 129016.8?m². Zones with contrasting parameter values were identified. Conclusion. The overburden protective layer was rated as having poor capacity, rendering the aquifer highly vulnerable to contaminants. Conversely, the aquifer demon- strated potential for providing portable water, reflecting subsurface heterogeneity and ample hydraulic pressure. A recommended hydrochemical study will further assess water portability.
    Publication Title Utilizing Data Mining Techniques in Geophysical and Biological Analysis for Assessing Environmental Risks Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Journal of Electronics, Computer Networking and Applied Mathematics
    Publication Authors Anthony O. Ukpene, Collins O. Molua
    Year Published 2024-11-06
    Abstract This study aimed to assess environmental risks using data extraction techniques. It focused on geophysical and biological factors and addressed the urgent need for effective risk management strategies to reduce soil erosion, water pollution, and air quality deterioration. A comprehensive dataset was created through the systematic collection of geophysical and biological data including temperature, soil composition, and biological abundance index. It used equipment such as satellite sensors and mountain transmitting stations. Various statistical tools used include decision trees and random forest algorithms. They were used to analyze data and identify important environmental risk factors. The results showed some interesting insights, revealing that the Neural Network has an accuracy of 95.5%, and the Random Forest algorithm predicts risk with an accuracy of 92.0%. It analyzed the classification of environmental hazard zones and identified high- risk zones, such as Zone A, which contains 10,000 people affected by erosion and Zone D, 20,000 people who were at risk from soil contamination. The study concludes that social media can significantly improve understanding and management of environmental risks. Additionally, it provides a useful framework for decision-makers and stakeholders to promote sustainable environmental practices.
    Publication Title Environmental Audit Report of Taurus Oil and Gas Tank Farm Installation Located at Koko, Delta State, Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher COOU Journal of Physical Sciences
    Publication Authors Morka, J.C Molua, O.C, Nwachuku,D.N Ukpene A O Eseka K., & Okeke B.N
    Year Published 2024-08-12
    Abstract In order to guarantee sustainable growth and development, documented, periodic and proper evaluation of the process technology, raw materials in use, equipment performance, quality and quantity of wastes generated and their likely negative effects on the air, soil, underground and surface water vegetation, with the sole objective of facilitating management control of environmental practices and assessing compliance with company's policies and meeting regulatory requirement, environmental audit. , E.A, is one of the profound available enforcement tools used as agents to achieve all of the above. This paper reports the environmental auditing of the portable water and effluent discharges at Taurus oil and gas tank farm installation located at Koko, Delta State. The results show that the effluent from the separator has a high total hydrocarbon content (THC) with mean value of 26.90 Mg\L, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), mean value of 178.45 Mg\L and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), mean value of 263.51 Mg\L. These values are completely above statutory limits by the regulatory agencies for oil and gas installations in Nigeria and therefore require that control measures be taken to forestall pollution. C
    Publication Title Utilizing Cowpea Genetic Resources for Sustainable Food Security Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher International Journal of Basic Science and Technology
    Publication Authors Anthony Ossai UKPENE and Thelma Ewere KONYEME
    Year Published 2024-11-19
    Abstract The study sought to assess the value of the cowpea genetic base on food security and sustainability of the crop. It equally identified several essential characteristics of the crop, as well as the relevance of information from various stakeholders. The approaches adopted included using genetic markers, phenotypic traits, and consultations with cultivating stakeholders. The analysis revealed allelic variations between and within cowpea genotypes, with Marker 1 showing allele frequencies ranging from 0. 345 to 0.445 and Marker 2 from 1. 078 to 1. 214. The phenotypic expression also showed a degree of diversity, with mean plant height at 49.862 cm, days to flowering at 70.013, and pod yield at 1270.389 kg/ha. Some of the key highlights from the stakeholder interviews included the demand for more drought-resistant varieties, genetic traits that relate to resistance against pests and diseases, and the importance of farmers being involved in the breeding process. The study offered valuable insights into existing knowledge of cowpea's genetic diversity, emphasized the importance of involving stakeholders in understanding the crop's relevance and benefits in their lives, and highlighted the potential of marker-assisted selection in enhancing cowpea breeding programs. The results reiterate the importance of cowpea research contributions to food security and the application of agricultural practices in cowpea fields. Suggested actions cover the following issues: the continuation of research on genetic characteristics; the collaboration of stakeholders; and the creation of superior varieties.