Publication Type journal
Publisher APPLIED SCIENCE RESEARCH JOURNAL 2015 Vol 3(1):22-30
Paper Link
Publication Authors F.O. ANIGBORO1 , E .O. ODUMA1 , L. AKORODA2 , F.I. ISICHELI2 and F.O
Year Published 2015-05-05
Abstract Background and aim: Fish is one of the most important aquatic organisms affected by
detergent pollution. The acute toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate (LAS) detergent
on the African catfish is sparse in literature. We therefore conducted a series of static shortterm bioassays to assess the acute toxicity of LAS detergent on the fingerlings of
Heteroclarias, a hybrid of Heterobranchus bidorsalis and Clarias gariepinus
Method: This study was undertaken in the laboratory to determine the 24, 48, 72 and 96h
medium concentration (LC50) of the acute toxicity of the detergent [Linear Alkylbenzene
Sulphonate (LAS)] using the static bioassay test and the freshwater African catfish
fingerlings: Heteroclarias (A hybrid of Heterobranchus bidorsalis and Clarias gariepinus), as
experimental animal, over an exposure period of 96 hours.
Results: During the exposure period, the test fish exhibited several behavioural changes
before death such as restlessness, rapid swimming, loss of balance, respiratory distress and
haemorrhaging of gill filaments amongst others. Opercular ventilation rate as well as visual
examination of dead fish indicated lethal effects of the detergents on the fish. The 96-h LC50
was computed using probit analysis.The overall mean value of 45.71 mgL-1 was obtained
Conclusion: The result shows that the toxicity increases with increase in exposure periods.
The present findings indicate that the LAS detergent have mortality effects on Heteroclarias
fingerlings and may adversely affect other aquatic organisms. The discharge of detergents or
afterwash water into the aquatic environment should be discouraged.

Publication Type journal
Publisher APPLIED SCIENCE RESEARCH JOURNAL 2017 Vol 4(2): 31 -40
Paper Link
Publication Authors B.C. Ehiwario1*, R.E. Ogbemudia2, F.O. Anigboro1 and L.U.Oshiloyah
Year Published 2017-04-04
Abstract Background and Aim: Chitosan can also be used in toothpaste, mouth washes, and chewing
gum. They freshen the breath and prevent the formation of plaque and tooth decay. Salts of
chitosan added to toothpaste, mask the unpleasant taste of silicon oxide and bind powders so that
they maintain their granular shapes. The aim of this study is to modify chitosan with some
aldehydes and the obtained product characterized and tested towards their metal ion uptake
Materials and methods: Chitosan was produced by complete deactivation of chitin from
crustacean shells (snail shells). The chitosan produced was used to prepare cinnamaldehyde
chitosan and Acetic Anhydride chitosan. Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
analysis of the pure chiatosan and cinnamaldehyde chitosan were carried out. The FTIR
spectrum of unmodified chitosan had strong peaks observed at 3640.58cm-1 due to O-H
stretching, the bands at 1413.33cm-1 for C-H bending and the band at 1632cm-1 was assigned to
N-H bending.
Results/ Discussion: After the chemical modification, some changes were observed in the
spectra of cinnamaldehyde chitosan. The two products: chitosan and cinnamaldehyde chitosan
were applied for the adsorption of Cadmium and Nickel from aqueous solution and their
percentage sorption were compared. Cinnamaldehyde chitosan gave 99.56% at an optimum
concentration of 80ppm while unmodified chitosan gave 98.61% at an optimum concentration of
80 ppm
Conclusion:From this investigation, we can infer that the chemical modification of chitosan with
the different organic compounds can lead to promising materials in the light of their application
directions. The modified chitosan products showed good ability to uptake metal ions from their
aqueous solutions.
Publication Type journal
Publisher J. Chem Soc. Nigeria, Vol. 44, No. 7, pp 1228 -1236 [2019
Publication Authors P. OKWAGI1 *, A. N. AMITAYE2 , C. O. MOLUA3 , F. O. ANIGBORO4 and O. J. IYAMA5
Year Published 2019-07-07
Abstract Borehole, well and river water quality were examined to ascertain their suitability for domestic,
agricultural and industrial uses. The results of the determination revealed several loads of
contaminants hence, most of the water samples are unsuitable for immediate consumption without
treatment. In terms of BOD, the borehole samples are better than the well water samples. The BOD
values range from 2.38 to 4.01mg/l for the borehole water; 2.20 to 4.01mg/l for the well water and
2.50 to 3.00mg/l for the river water samples. No E. Coli was detected in the river sample while 50%
of borehole samples examined are contaminated with E. Coli. Almost all the borehole water samples
are contaminated with chromium while about 58% of the well water samples have chromium levels
above the desirable limits of chromium in drinking water. The results revealed that the water sources
examined are suitable for agricultural productions (irrigation and aquaculture) but relatively potable
for drinking and other domestic and industrial activities. To further enhance the water quality,
filtration system should be integrated into the water supply line to reduce and eliminate dissolved
organic and inorganic matter levels in the water.It is also recommended that measures to minimize
discharge of microbial and chemical contaminants into water sources be adopted by the local council
Publication Title Evaluation of Repellent Potential of Some Botanical Products against Cowpea Weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

Publication Type journal
Publisher Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences
Publication Authors Ito E. Edwin1,* and Anigboro O. Fidelis 2
Year Published 2019-08-03
Abstract The powder and crude extracts from five plant species, namely garlic (Allium sativum), manjack or drum tree (Cordia
millenii), African or calabash nutmeg (Monodora myristica), negro-pepper (Xylopia aethiopica), and ginger (Zingiber
officinale) were tested for their repellent activity against Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) adults through the cup bioassay
technique and filter paper repellency method in the laboratory. C. millenii was the most superior repellent against C.
maculatus. Results indicated that the repellent efficacy of the botanical materials followed this trend: C. millenii > Z.
officinale > A. sativum > X. aethiopica > M. myristica. The former two plants generated a repellency of 66.0% and 65.4%,
respectively; Class IV repellency (60.1-80.0%). Whereas, A. sativum, X. aethiopica and M. myristica caused a repellency of
50.3, 49.9 and 45.5%, respectively; Class III repellency (40.1-60.0%). The repellent effect on C. maculatus at the application
doses of the powders of the selected plant species were statistically significant. There was also a significant difference in
repellency due to various concentrations of the extracts of selected plant species with high correlation coefficients and
positive significance compared to the powder treatment. Thus, % repellency increased according to doses and concentrations
of the tested botanical products and due to the increase in the exposure period
Publication Title Length-weight Relationships and Condition Factor of Clarias gariepinus post larvae fed three Diets

Publication Type journal
Publisher International Journal of Applied Biological Research 20
Publication Authors * 1Anigboro, O. F., 2 Ikomi, R. B. and 3 Iloba, K
Year Published 2023-04-04
Abstract Length/weight are veritable tools in discussing the growth performance of fish. The
quality/quantity of diets and water are limiting factors that determines the wellbeing of
the C. gariepinus larvae. This present study is to investigate the length/weight
relationship and condition factor of the post larvae of C.gariepinus fed three different
diets with the aim of optimizing larvae production in the aquaculture sector without
compromising their nutritional requirements. Fifteen (15) C. gariepinus weighing between
0.06 and 0.07g were collected from each of the three concrete tank in a flow through
system that contain 150 stocking capacity and fed Commercial feed(CF), Housefly
Maggot (Musca domestica) (MM), Plankton(MZ) for 12 weeks. Proximate composition of
the treatment diets used in this study ranged from 18.04% to 49.00% with post larvae fed
commercial diets having highest value of 49.00% and highest final value of weight of
(233.85g) followed by those fed with Maggot valued 42.50% and weight value of 210.04g, and plankton fed larvae the least (18.04%, 198.37g) after 12 weeks of rearing period. Post
larvae fed on commercial feed performed significantly better with survival percentage of
96.67%, followed closely by post larvae fed on maggot (93.33%) and plankton the least
with 86.67%. Physicochemical parameters of water in the rearing tanks through 12-weeks
rearing period did not vary significantly (p>0.05) during the feeding trials. The tank
containing post larvae fed with maggot had significantly (p>0.05) higher dissolved oxygen
(5.80-6.78) and lower ammonia (0.01-0.59) and nitrate value of (0.01-0.03) respectively. The length/weight analysis indicate a, b, r and K values of 3.299, 0.878 and 1.853 for
commercially fed post larvae, then 2.922, 0.886 and 1.094 for plankton fed post larvae
and 3.109, 0.885 and 1.283 for Maggot fed post larvae respectively. PCA indicated
temperature as having a weak correlation with axis 1 and associated with week 4 and 5 values of growth parameters. Length values of the different diets were strongly correlated
with axis 1. This study confirmed Maggot as better alternative diet as against the high- cost Commercial feed in order to reduce cost and optimize production.