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    Publication Title Screening of metabolites from endophytic fungi of some Nigerian medicinal plants for antimicrobial activities. Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher The EuroBiotech Journal
    Publication Authors ? Eze P.M., Nnanna J. C., Okezie U., Buzugbe H. S., Abba C. C., Chukwunwejim C. R., OkoyeF.B.C and Esimone C. O.
    Year Published 2019-01-01
    Abstract Endophytic fungi associated with Nigerian plants have recently generated significant interest in drug discovery programmes due to their immense potential to contribute to the discovery of new bioactive compounds. This study was carried out to investigate the secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi isolated from leaves of Newbouldia laevis, Ocimum gratissimum, and Carica papaya. The plants were collected from Agulu, Anambra State, South-East Nigeria. Endophytic fungal isolation, fungal fermentation; and extraction of secondary metabolites were carried out using standard methods. The crude extracts were screened for antimicrobial activities using the agar well diffusion method, and were also subjected to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis to identify their constituents. A total of five endophytic fungi was isolated, two from N. laevis (NL-L1 and NL-L2), one from O. gratissimum (SL-L1), and two from C. papaya (PPL-LAC and PPL-LE2). In the antimicrobial assay, the extracts of NL-L2, SL-L1, and PPL-LE2 displayed mild antibacterial activity against both Gram negative and Gram positive test bacteria. PPL-LAC extract showed mild activity only against S. aureus, while no antimicrobial activity was recorded for NL-L1 extract. All the endophytic fungal extracts showed no activity against the test fungi C. albicans and A. fumigatus. HPLC analysis of the fungal extracts revealed the presence of ethyl 4-hydroxyphenyl acetate and ferulic acid in NL-L1; ruspolinone in NL-L2; protocatechuic acid, scytalone, and cladosporin in SL-L1; indole-3-acetic acid and indole-3- carbaldehyde in PPL-LE2; and indole-3-acetic acid in PPL-LAC. The findings of this study revealed the potentials possessed by these plants as source of endophytes that express biological active compounds. These endophytes hold key of possibilities to the discovery of novel molecules for pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications.
    Publication Title Investigation of secondary metabolites of an endophytic fungus isolated from the leaves of Chromolaenaodorata for possible antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal
    Publication Authors Buzugbe H. S., Eze P. M., Chukwuwenjim C. R., Nwachukwu C. U., Abonyi D. O., Abba C. C., OkoyeFBC and Esimone C. O.
    Year Published 2018-12-06
    Abstract Nigeria’s rich plant biodiversity play host to endophytic fungal populations that possess enormous potentials as sources of novel bioactive molecules. This study was aimed at investigating the metabolites of an endophytic fungus isolated from Chromolaena odorata, a weedy plant commonly found in Nigeria, for antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and also identifying some of its constituents. An endophytic fungus was isolated from C. odorata and fermentation extract of the fungus was tested for antimicrobial and antioxidant activities using the agar diffusion and DPPH assay methods respectively. Some of the bioactive components of the endophytic fungal extract were identified using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The fungal extract at 1 mg/mL showed only antibacterial activity with inhibition zone diameters of 2, 2, and 6 mm produced against S. aureus, B. subtilis, and S. typhi respectively. Also, at 100 ug/mL, the fungal extract showed average antioxidant activity with an inhibition of 46%. HPLC analysis of the extract suggested the presence of indole-3-acetic acid and acropyrone which may be responsible for the biological activities exhibited by the fungal extract. The results of this study showed that the endophytic fungus isolated from leaves of C. odorata produced secondary metabolites with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This implies that endophytic fungi associated with leaves of C. odorata could be a promising source of biologically active compounds.
    Publication Title Determination of Caffeine in Different Brands of Tea and Coffee Marketed in South Eastern Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher Chemical Science Review and Letters
    Publication Authors Kenneth Ngwoke, Miracle Agu, Peter Eze, NchekwubeOjimba, Happiness Buzugbe, Dominic Abonyi, Chika Abba and Charles Esimone
    Year Published 2015-06-10
    Abstract Abstract Caffeine is consumed for different purposes and is obtained from different sources as beverages and medication. Therefore, unintended over dosage can occur. Although intoxication due to over dosage of caffeine rarely causes fatality on its own, it can lead to accidents that result in fatalities or severe injuries in drivers and machinery operators. In Nigeria also, where counterfeiting and faking of products is widespread, it is necessary to ascertain the labeled claim of product periodically for public safety and wellbeing. Samples of different tea and coffee brands were purchased from chain stores in South Eastern Nigeria. Quantities equivalent to 6 g of each brand were weighed out and extracted using liquid-liquid extraction. Absorbances of solutions were measured using UV/Vis spectrophotometer and the actual concentration determined using Beer’s plot. An internal standard was used to measure the efficiency of the extraction procedure. Results showed that while the caffeine contents of some of the bags were normal, some supposedly caffeine free and decaf products had too high a concentration of caffeine which could affect people who for medical reasons took them in place of other caffeinated beverages. This suggests that some decaffeinated products are not actually as decaffeinated as they should be.
    Publication Title Effect of Brewery Effluent on the Microbiological Quality of Ikpoba River and Surrounding Borehole Waters in Benin City, Nigeria Download PDF
    Publication Type journal
    Publisher British Microbiology Research Journal
    Publication Authors O. O. Akpomie1, H. S. Buzugbe2 and P. M. Eze2*
    Year Published 2014-09-10
    Abstract Aim: The microbiological quality of Ikpoba River, Benin City-Nigeria and the surrounding borehole waters was investigated to assess the extent of pollution from Guinness Nigeria Plc, Benin City. Methodology: Microbiological parameters analyzed were total bacterial, fungal and coliform counts, and identification for indicator organisms. Results: For river water samples (RW1-RW4), mean total viable aerobic bacterial, fungal and coliform counts ranged from 0.06x108 to 35.0x108 CFU/mL, 0.6x104 to 2.5x104 CFU/mL, and 0.006x106 to 2.3x106 CFU/mL respectively; and for borehole water samples (BH1-BH5), mean counts ranged from 1.3x104 to 3.3x104 CFU/mL for bacteria, 4.0x10 to 8.2x10 CFU/mL for fungi, and 0 to 6.1x102 CFU/mL for coliforms. Only BH1 and BH5 showed the absence of coliforms. Conclusion: From the results of this study, it was observed that the effluent discharge from Guinness Nigeria Plc may not totally be responsible for the microbial contamination of the Ikpoba River and the surrounding borehole waters, as other sources of contamination, especially from Original Research Article Akpomie et al.; BMRJ, 5(1): 76-82, 2015; Article no. BMRJ.2015.009 77 human activities, were noticed. It is therefore important that governments and concerned institutions put measures in place to remove the sources of contamination in water bodies that supply locals with water for household use. Industrial effluent also, should be effectively treated before they are discharged into the water body and industries should strictly adhere to the standards and guidelines specified by various water and environment regulating bodies.